A simple iconset, preferably used in dark versions of Gnome. Love/Arch/Inkscape/Gnome, more information in Plane project.
Source icons in =
are all possible variants -
Render icons in =
and zip in./build/zip-variants/*
- Download the lasted version in
- Unzip in
- Change icon set with Gnome Tweak Tool
Here videos
- Is necesary nodejs 8
$ npm install
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ gulp
The folder ./src/variants/*
contains all possible icon variants and the var variants
in the gulpfile.js
have an array with all posible icon set variants.
Allows hot editing, gulp watch auto will generate the icon and if you pass the parameter will update the icon set.
# Build with debug
$ gulp -debug
# Auto update
# Change [-PlaneGnome] for the icon set you want reload from `./build/variants`
$ ln -s [FOLDER_PATH]/build/variants/PlaneGnome ~/.local/share/icons/PlaneGnome
$ gulp watch -PlaneGnome
- "Error: watch /xxx/xxx ENOSPC" Solution ->
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
more info
contain it the templates with the structure, all templates should have the this structure:
[tag] => inkscape layer
[icon_16|desktop_scalable] -> Render: 16/folder.svg or scalable/desktop.svg
"icon content"
[frame]"contain only a rectangle with sizes of the icon"
[frame_16] "must be Rectangle, Render icon with this sizes"
- .svg properties are: units in
, thescale in x="1.000"
scale in y="1.000"
,viewbox x:0, y:0
- The script get all layers the first level and render them Individually
- Light
$ sudo cp ./build/libreoffice-breeze/images_breeze.zip /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/images_breeze.zip
Then open Libreoffice and go to Tools->Options->View and choose Breeze. - Dark
$ sudo cp ./build/libreoffice-breeze/images_breeze_dark.zip /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/images_breeze_dark.zip
Then open Libreoffice and go to Tools->Options->View and choose Breeze_dark.
And all other designs that served as inspiration!