v3.3.0 and Highmaps Support!
New Features
Massive thanks to @anajavi (again!) for the help making this release possible.
Added support for Highmaps
This release adds a new package - react-jsx-highmaps
(see #163)
Highmaps use GeoJSON to define a map, then use series to add information to that map.
With React JSX Highcharts, you can pass GeoJSON to via the map
<HighchartsMapChart map={geojson}>
Highcharts provide loads of GeoJSON maps here (use the "GeoJSON" links provided there).
I personally recommend using the react-request
library to download the GeoJSON and pass the map data to React JSX Highmaps
<Fetch url="https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/custom/europe.geo.json">
{({ fetching, failed, data }) => {
if (fetching) return <div>Loading…</div>
if (failed) return <div>Failed to load map.</div>
if (data) {
return (
<HighchartsMapChart map={data}>
{/* Other map components */}
return null
Then using the MapSeries
, MapLineSeries
, MapPointSeries
or MapBubbleSeries
components you can annotate the map with information.
Simple map example
Map bubble with Latitude and Longtitude
Added the ability to update plotOptions
In some cases you might want to update plotOptions dynamically - previously this was not possible with React JSX Highcharts.
Here is an example that only displays series markers when there is a single data point.
Bug fixes
- Fixes #164 (an issue caused by Highcharts 6.2.0 release)
General updates
Reduced bundle size
Infrastructure improvements
- Integrated with Travis CI #159