"Wordpress + WP CLI", "Woocommerce" , "Mysql" and "phpMyAdmin" with Docker
node + npm + selenium-webdriver and chromedriver
Download and Unzip the package which contain the following files :
docker-compose.yml - Deploy 3 containers "Wordpress, MySql, phpMyAdmin"
Configuration_wordpress.sh - Install WP-CLI and Woocomerce in the wordpress container
script/ - Scripts used by "Configuration_wordpress.sh"
trad/ - Folder for translate Woocomerce in french
node_module - Folder which contain needed node modules
pre_remplissage.js - Auto complete wordpress install
1 - Launch the containers with compose
docker-compose up -d
2 - Complete install wordpress at http://localhost
3 - Install WP-CLI and Woocommerce then translate it to french language
Enjoy !!!