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What is it?

This package adds site tree functionallity to api platform with addition of backend check of route validity when used together with separate frontend like vue.

System Requirements

PHP 8.2+
Symfony 6.2+


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require whitedigital-eu/site-tree


Only mandatory configuration parameter is index_template -> file to include as response when backend has finished routing check.

    index_template: index.html
use Symfony\Config\SiteTreeConfig;

return static function (SiteTreeConfig $config): void {

IMPORTANT: File given to this parameter must be in path configured for twig bundle

After this, you need to update your database schema to use Audit entity.
If using migrations:

bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

If by schema update:

bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

By default this package comes with 2 predefined types to be used as site tree nodes: Html and Redirect.
Html is a straight forward type without any extra logic, just plain html content.
Redirect is a type that manages redirects between nodes or to external sources.

To add new type, you need:

  1. Create new Entity and Resource for this type
  2. Configure type in configuration:
    index_template: index.html
        news: ~
            entity: App\Entity\NotNews
use Symfony\Config\SiteTreeConfig;
use App\Entity\NotNews;

return static function (SiteTreeConfig $config): void {
    // or exact entity class if it is not default App\Entity\News


To add new site tree node, call site tree api. default: POST /api/site_trees:

    "title": "test",
    "slug": "test",
    "type": "html"

This is the minimal data to create a new node. As no parent is given, this call will create a new root node. Normally site would need only one node, but if there are multiple menus or other links that require new nodes, like, login, for example, it is possible to do with this package.
If you want to add node to other node, simply add parentparameter:

    "title": "test",
    "slug": "test",
    "type": "html",
    "parent": "/api/site_trees/1"

To query all nodes, call GET /api/site_trees or to query just roots with children, call GET /api/site_trees?level=0

Additionally this package provides a check if url is defined in any node. To check if url is valid, call GET /api/content_types/<url>.
For example, from example above, GET /api/content_types/test would return: 200 OK +

    "nodeId": 1,
    "node": "/api/site_trees/1",
    "type": "resource"

but GET /api/content_types/test2 would return: 404 Not Found +

    "type": "",
    "title": "An error occurred",
    "detail": "Not Found"

Extra configuration parameters

As this library does use route listener to override router when any url is called to include index template file, you might need to filter out some paths where this should not be done.
To configure these paths, you can do:

    index_template: index.html
        - '/admin'
        - '/test'
use Symfony\Config\SiteTreeConfig;

return static function (SiteTreeConfig $config): void {

This configuration skips listener logic for any path that starts with these definded paths.
By default this bundle alrady skip some paths:
In any environment:

  • /api
  • /sitemap.xml

In dev/test environment:

  • /_profiler
  • /_wdt
  • /_error

For more advanced security, all custom content types should extend AbstractContentTypeProvider

If you have any custom content types that are accessed publicly, you should use AbstractContentTypeProvider as a base provider so poblicly you can access only type data from active site tree nodes.

use WhiteDigital\SiteTree\DataProvider\AbstractContentTypeProvider;

class CustomContentTypeDataProvider extends AbstractContentTypeProvider {
    // ...

If this extension is not possible, you can use LimitContentTypePublicAccessTrait to get limiter function for use with Doctrine\Orm\QueryBuilder for collection and single items.

Overriding parts of the bundle

Overriding default api resources (and therefore api endpoints)

By default, SiteTree bundle resources is based on src/Api/Resource directory contents.
If you wish not to use these resources and not expose the api endpoints they provide, just set a custom api resource path with a configuration value. If you set it as null, api platform will not register api resources located within this package.

    custom_api_resource_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/MyCustomPath'
#    custom_api_resource_path: null
use Symfony\Config\SiteTreeConfig;

return static function (SiteTreeConfig $config): void {
        // or  ->customApiResourcePath(null);

After overriding default api resources, do not forget to update ClassMapperConfigurator configuration that is used for resource <-> entity mapping in whitedigital-eu/entity-resource-mapper-bundle

use App\ApiResource\Admin\SiteTreeResource;
use WhiteDigital\SiteTree\Entity\SiteTree;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Mapper\ClassMapper;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Mapper\ClassMapperConfiguratorInterface;

final class ClassMapperConfigurator implements ClassMapperConfiguratorInterface
    public function __invoke(ClassMapper $classMapper): void
        $classMapper->registerMapping(SiteTreeResource::class, SiteTree::class);


To add sitemap to GET /sitemap.xml, you need to add route configuration to project routes.

# config/routes/site-tree.yaml
    resource: '../vendor/whitedigital-eu/site-tree/src/Controller/'
    type:     attribute
// config/routes/site-tree.php
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\RoutingConfigurator;

return static function (RoutingConfigurator $routes): void {
    $routes->import('../vendor/whitedigital-eu/site-tree/src/Controller/', 'attribute');

Sitemap only returns enabled routes with isActive: true and isVisible: true. If you want to include invisible (but still active routes) with isActive: true and isVisible: false, configure it in configuration:

        include_invisible: true
use Symfony\Config\SiteTreeConfig;

return static function (SiteTreeConfig $config): void {


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