Releases: wifinigel/wiperf
Version 2.2 of the wiperf probe code follows hot on the heels of v2.1, following several requests from the community for removal of limitations on the number of test targets for several of the tests performed by wiperf. Previously, the Ping, HTTP, DNS and SMB tests were limited to 5 test targets. In v2.3, these limits are removed and the number of test targets is now user defined.
Release Notes
Added fix for bad read of remote config file when downloaded (thanks Ben Roeder)
Fixed bad config variable names for InfluxDB2 in (thanks Konstantin - issue #1)
Added SMB tests provided by Mario Gingras
Improved route injection for tests when required interface not selected by default routing
Fixed issue with incorrect data types in Influx DB for ping tests (some numeric values were created
as strings, preventing calculations on their values.)This fixed issue will cause failures for ping test results on existing data. To correct the issue,
existing ping test data in the Influx DB must be dropped using the following command in the InfluxDB
CLI utility:sudo influx -username admin -password letmein use wiperf drop series from "wiperf-ping"
Added support for librespeed to speedtest in addition to existing Ookla support. Also
made more data points available to reports including latency, jitter & data volume for
upload/download -
Added support for cached data : data may now be cached locally for retrieval and inspection
by user-defined means (e.g. SSH to probe & inspect data). Data may be stored in VSC or JSON
format. -
Added result spooling support. If connectivity between the probe and reporting platform is
lost, results may be spooled to a local directory and automatically forwarded when connectivity
is re-established. -
Added support for forwarding of probe error messages to reporting platform to allow diagnosis
of test related issues on the probe. -
Fixed DHCP test errors on RPi reported/fixed by Ben Roeder (Issue #39)
Fixed re-read of config file from github reported/fixed by Ben Roeder (PR #7)
Added new dashboard for SMB tests
Updated summary dashboard to support new SMB tests
Updated speedtest dashboard to support librespeed and additional data points
Added dashboard for probe health, which include probe poll error messages
Miscellaneous minor dashboard improvements/fixes
Move to beta6 (timeout decorator for iperf3)
Moved to 2.0.0 beta5
- Added network connectivity files restore during upgrade
- Added initial ipv6 support for mgt traffic
- Added checks for sudo operation
- Added check for python version
- Added searches for missing prog files (for platforms using non-std locations)