It's pretty simple. Using the prepare script to fetch and unpack all nessessary files.
All files from the spezific distribution will be downloaded, unpacked, patched and a sandbox will be created. The single steps are
- download base, man, comp, src and sys
- check if valid
- unpack and copy to the right place
Generate a new userland makes building an own flash much easier.
cd /usr/src
rm -Rf /usr/obj/*
make obj
cd /usr/src/etc && env DESTDIR=/ make distrib-dirs
cd /usr/src
make depend
Running flashrd to finish an image or also copy the image to device. With the prepare script we have an sandbox with all files we need.
# this writes the image directly to den sd0 device
./flashrd -d sd0 ./sandbox/
# only generating an image flashimg.ARCH-DATE
./flashrd ./sandbox/
# a very important step is configuring the serial console
# otherwise you can not connect serial
# you will also be asked for hostname, dns and password
# configure directly the installation on the device
./cflashrd -d sd0 -c 38400
# OR modify the image from before
./cflashrd -i flashimg.ARCH-DATE -c 38400
This step is for flashing the image to one or many devices. It finds the size of the device, expands the image and writes it down.
./growimg -t sd0 flashimg.ARCH-DATE