We use siri to create notes, we then read from icloud imap server and execute commands
The idea was stolen from SiriAPI8. But because I do not like programming in python I rewrote the class in ruby.
At the moment the program in only working with os x 10.10 and before. Notes added with ios 9 and after are no longer accessable with imap.
A simple workaround is to dictate a mail with the defined subject to the own mail account.
"send a mail to office, light off"
The new version handles text and subject with defined keys.
Quite simple.
note = Note.new( USERNAME, PASSWD )
note.build do
add_command( :switch_light_on, [ "light on", "make light", "lightning" ] ),
add_command( :switch_lign_off, [ "light off", "make it dark", "off" ] )
note.run( 'iphone' ) do | item |
# optional block if you like to make something special
# with item
pp item
# ----------------------------------
# external command we've bind
# ----------------------------------
def switch_light_on
puts "*** switch_light_on"
Piface.write 0, 1
true # if true message will be deleted from imap server
# ----------------------------------
# external command we've bind
# ----------------------------------
def switch_light_off
puts "*** switch_light_off"
Piface.write 0, 0
http://blog.smartnoob.de/2015/01/26/siriapi8-siri-api-fuer-ios8/#more-1010 https://github.com/HcDevel/SiriAPI8/blob/master/SiriAPI8/SiriAPI.py https://github.com/tpitale/mail_room https://gist.github.com/oogali/3528688 https://github.com/ConradIrwin/em-imap/blob/5424d9b4cf87488604e295cad3aadc3d9b723fdc/lib/em-imap/client.rb https://gist.github.com/solyaris/b993283667f15effa579