Simple to use Point of Sales System, developed in Django framework
Fontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript(jQuery), Boostrap, DataTables, HTMX
Backend: Django, Python, Ajax, MySQL
- Login Page with User authentication
- User Access control and Management
- User Account Registration
- Password forgot, and reset
- Dashboard Page with statistics and graphs
- DataTables with print, copy, to CSV, and to PDF buttons
- Product Categories Management (CRUD)
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Search and add product to list
- Graphically (GUI) picking items from list
- Calculate automatically the subtotal, grand total, tax amount
- Update Item Quantity and Recalculate Total
- Sale validation paid amount and at least one product
- Sales Management
- List all Sales
- View Sale details
- Print Sales Receipt
To install this project, first clone this repository to your local directory
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd django-pos
Create a virtual environment : PowerShell:
python -m venv venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to the project directory:
Make database migrations:
python makemigrations and python migrate
Create superuser
python createsuperuser
with the following data: username: admin, password: admin, email: admin@admin
Run the server: python runserver
Open a browser and go to: