This module extends the original Ti.UI.WebView by adding several new features.
Extract the *.zip file in the root of this package.
Copy the module to your Titanium module folder, typically
~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var extendedWebView = require("de.mwfire.extwebview");
The extendedWebView variable is a reference to the Module object.
setZoomScale(float, { animated: BOOL })
Sets the zoom level of a WebView.
float optional, defaults to 0
animated optional, defaults to TRUE
scrollTo({ x:float, y:float, animated: BOOL })
Sets the zoom level of a WebView.
x optional, defaults to 0
y optional, defaults to 0
animated optional, defaults to TRUE
scrollToTop({ animated: BOOL })
Scrolls to the top of a WebView.
animated optional, defaults to TRUE
scrollToBottom({ animated: BOOL })
Scrolls to the bottom of a WebView.
animated optional, defaults to TRUE
Create an extended webview like in this example and add it to your window
var extendedWebView = require("de.mwfire.extwebview");
var webView = extendedWebView.createWebView({
left : 0,
right : 0,
top : 0,
bottom : 140,
url : "",
scalesPageToFit : true
For method usage, see the example app.js.
Up to now, only iPhone is supported.
Minimum Titanium SDK is 3.1.0.GA
Supports iOS6 and later
© 2013 Martin Wildfeuer
mwfire web development
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")