Vitamin' Wall combines projected graphics and body detection for funny climbing experience for everyone !
Watch Vitamin' Wall in action !
- Download Processing version 3 :
- Download Vitamine Wall Code
Check that the folder is named "vitaminewall" (same name as the main sketch vitaminewall.pde
Then, you have to install the following library (Sketch => Import Library) :
- Video
Vitamin' Wall use the font "Digital-7". It is located in the data folder data/digital-7.ttf
. Open this file to install the font on your system.
Vitamin' Wall could be run with or without a videoprojector
Next steps :
- Plug a webcam
- Plug a video projector - use extended display and assign video projector to your second screen
- Open vitaminewall project and run it
- You will see webcam feedback on main screen, be sure that webcam is centered and see the entire videoprojector view
- Choose an existing wall Slot (wall #1 ... wall #5)
- Design your own wall : left click to on wall screen to add a touch dot and right click to add skull dot
- Click on
- and GO !
In this mode colored stickers are used to defined holds. Choose "Color" in wall selection to select color-mode detection.
The second display is still needed. It could be a 20' monitor, as it will be used by climber to see timer and detection feedback.
Before running Vitamin' Wall, you will have to put on wall colored stickers : one color for area to be touched, and another to area to avoid. Embedded color picker will help you to pick each color, associated to a sensibility slider that will assist you to refine detection level.