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Migrating to Jest

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Why migrate?


It's well established that Jest is faster than Karma:

I tried an experiment on a part of our own codebase: consumer-application-feature/multi-step. This library has 35 test suites and contains a total of 240 tests.

Here are the results (seconds):

Chart comparing speeds of Karma and Jest in a number of scenarios. Average local time: Karma: 29.266 seconds, Jest: 15.605 seconds. Average time on Jenkins PR server: Karma: 46.575 seconds, Jest: 44.009 seconds. Results Google Sheet

During this experiment I noticed that Jest's output highlights slow test suites:

Jest output for consumer-application-feature/multi-step. Output highlights 7 test suites, ranging from 5.28 seconds to 13.98 seconds. Total elapsed time is 15.46 seconds.

This output suggests that we may be the bottleneck on Jest's speed (perhaps from using async tests), and that it could run even faster if we optimize some of these tests.


Jest has incredible support from the JavaScript community as a whole, but also from Nrwl in particular.

Community support

Jest is maintained and used by Facebook for their production apps (, so it's likely that support for Jest will remain strong. NPM trends and Github stars show Jest far ahead of Karma, but most of that is probably because Jest is often used with React:

Line graph comparing NPM weekly downloads of Jest and Karma. Jest's average is about 5 million; Karma's is about 1.75 million. NPM Trends: Jest vs. Karma

Support from Nrwl

Nrwl has moved fully to Jest for all new workspaces. In fact, they don't even include karma as a visible option in the Nx CLI anymore. They have a section on their site about using Jest (but not Karma) where they've summarized their reasoning for moving to Jest:

  • Jest was built with monorepos in mind and is able to isolate the important parts of a monorepo to test.
  • Jest has a great built-in reporter for printing out results of tests.
  • Jest has an immersive watch mode which provides near instant feedback when developing tests.
  • Jest provides the ability to use Snapshot Testing to validate features.


Jasmine's documentation is just terrible. It's nearly impossible to find what you're looking for and when you search with Google half the time you end up on an outdated docs page.

Jest's documentation is complete with explanations and examples covering the entire API.


Jest uses jsdom, allowing it to run entirely within your terminal.

Example of Jest's output when a test fails. Output shows expected and received values in a Git diff-like way, and also shows a code snippet of the exact spot where the test failed. Example of Jest's output for a failed test. Jest shows "Expected" and "Received" with syntax resembling a Git diff, and includes a code snippet of the test showing the exact spot where the test failed.

Karma opens/refreshes a new Chrome browser window every time it runs, which is distracting (for me, at least). It does report results within the terminal, but the output is really difficult to read.

Example of Karma's browser output for the same failed test. Karma shows a comparison of expected and received values and a call stack. Example of Karma's in-browser output for the same failed test. Karma shows "Expected" and "Received" in plain text along with a call stack for the test.

Example of Karma's in-terminal output for the same failed test. Similar to the browser, Karma shows the expected and received values along with a call stack, although the formatting makes it much harder to read. Example of Karma's in-terminal output for the same failed test. Just like in the browser, Karma shows "Expected" and "Received" along with a call stack. The terminal output is particularly hard to read due to a lack of color and formatting.


Interactive CLI

Jest includes an interactive CLI for watch mode that makes it really easy to integrate into your dev workflow. Watch mode automatically integrates with Git, comparing your changes with the last commit to decide which tests to run. When you run watch mode you're given the following options in your terminal.

Watch Usage
 › Press a to run all tests.
 › Press f to run only failed tests.
 › Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
 › Press t to filter by a test name regex pattern.
 › Press q to quit watch mode.
 › Press Enter to trigger a test run.

Narrowing down on a single test suite is really easy:

Jest allows you to filter tests with Regex.

With Karma if you want to narrow down on tests you need to either:

  • Use --include **/*my-component.spec.ts when you start the test runner
  • Use fdescribe to isolate a single describe block

Other features

  • Snapshot testing (I doubt we'll use this very much, but it's there)
  • Code coverage tests

What would migration require?

Luckily, we don't have to do it all at once. I created a branch (jest-proof-of-concept) and migrated two of our libraries to Jest, submitted a test PR, and unit tests passed even though most of them were using Karma and some were using Jest. This means we can migrate gradually, project by project.

Example: Migrating a project to Jest

After installing the necessary dependencies, these are the steps I took to migrate a project to Jest:

  1. Remove the test target for the project in angular.json

  2. Delete the following files within the project:

    • karma.conf.js
    • tsconfig.spec.json
    • test.ts
  3. Run the following:

    nx generate @nrwl/jest:jest-project --project components-library-tag
  4. Add the following to module.exports in tag/jest.config.js:

    // jest.config.js
    module.exports = {
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['../../../test-setup.ts'],
      globals: {
        'ts-jest': {
          diagnostics: false

    We're adding the setupFilesAfterEnv property and pointing it to our global setup file. We're turning off ts-jest diagnostics because Jest throws errors when it encounters our custom Jasmine matchers in our test-helpers library. If we convert these to custom Jest matchers we can eventually turn diagnostics back on.

    We could probably technically move snapshotSerializers to the global jest.config.js, but by default Nx includes them in the local Jest config files because to support multi-platform monorepos.

    The file should look like something like this when you're done:

    // jest.config.js
    module.exports = {
      name: 'components-library-tag',
      preset: '../../../jest.config.js',
      coverageDirectory: '../../../coverage/libs/components-library/tag',
      snapshotSerializers: [
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['../../../test-setup.ts'],
      globals: {
        'ts-jest': {
          diagnostics: false
  5. Run ng test components-library-tag

    If you don't have any failed tests, you're done! 🎉

    So far these are the causes of failed tests I've seen (I'm sure there will be many more):

    • References to Jasmine methods and types. These all have Jest equivalents. Here are some of the changes I've made so far:

      Jasmine Jest
      jasmine.createSpy() jest.fn()
      spyOnProperty(component, 'values', 'get').and.returnValue({}) jest.spyOn(component, 'values', 'get').mockReturnValue({})
      jasmine.Spy jest.SpyInstance
      service = jasmine.createSpyObj('service', ['getData']) service = { getData: jest.fn() }
    • Storing values as properties on the test function object:

      // For some reason this doesn't work in Jest.
      // `this` is undefined
      it(`works`, function() {
        this.value = 5
      // This is how I've been fixing it:
      it(`works`, function() {
        const value = 5
    • Using Spectator mocks, which rely on Jasmine spys internally. Luckily Spectator provides Jest support for its mocks, and all it requires is a change to imports:

      // Replace this:
      import { createComponentFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator'
      // With this:
      import { createComponentFactory } from '@ngneat/spectator/jest'

Global changes

  1. Install jest dependencies (all are devDependencies):
    • @nrwl/jest - Adds jest schematics
    • @testing-library/jest-dom - Extends expect to add dom matchers
    • @types/jest
    • jest
    • jest-preset-angular - Base jest configuration for Angular
    • jest-zone-patch - Allows us to use zones in tests
    • ts-jest - Maintains TypeScript sourcemaps in jest tests
  2. Add setup files to root of monorepo
    • jest.config.js - Inherits from jest-preset-angular
    • test-setup.ts - Imports jest-zone-patch and other files necessary for setting up the environment
    • jestGlobalMocks.ts - Mocks some parts of the DOM
  3. Eventually we could remove the following after a full migration:
    • jasmine-core
    • jasmine-spec-reporter
    • karma
    • karma-chrome-launcher
    • karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter
    • karma-jasmine
    • karma-jasmine-dom-matchers
    • karma-jasmine-html-reporter
    • @types/jasmine
    • @types/jasmine-dom-matchers
    • From monorepo root:
      • karma.conf.js
    • From each project:
      • karma.conf.js
      • test.ts

Updating/revisiting our custom matchers

We have 5 custom Jasmine matchers in our test-helpers library that we should port to Jest:

Matcher Uses
expectComponent 0
expectElementFromFixture 40
expectElementsFromFixture 5
expectElement 0
expectElements 0

I've learned we can actually still use them as is if we disable ts-jest diagnostics (I got this working with consumer-application-feature/multi-step even in CI), but that shouldn't be our long-term solution, especially if we're eventually going to drop Jasmine altogether.

Modifying them to extend Jest matchers instead of Jasmine matchers should take an hour or less. The file's only 47 lines long.

Pros and cons of migrating


  • Jest is roughly 2.25x faster than Karma
  • Jest has better support than Karma, from the JS community in general and from Nrwl in particular
  • Jest's documentation is vastly superior to Karma and Jasmine's
  • Jest doesn't require Chrome to run, making it less distracting and awkward
  • Jest has an interactive watch mode that makes it really easy to narrow down on test suites
  • We can migrate gradually, project by project
  • Overall we'll end up with less devDependencies and less test configuration files


  • It will take time that could be spent on other things. It took me about 1.5 hours to migrate consumer-application-feature/multi-step, a library that has 240 tests in it. It's worth noting that I'm now more familiar with Jest APIs so future migrations would probably be faster.
  • There will be a period of time where we have a karma.conf.js and a jest.config.js in the root of the monorepo. This could lead to confusion.

Suggested migration approach

In order to get it done as quickly is possible and minimize the time that we're using both Karma and Jest my suggestion is that I (Wilson) spend time migrating all the projects that I know aren't being actively worked on.

For projects that are being actively worked on, we could have whoever is working on it migrate to Jest within a PR as part of their sprint, or we could hold off and wait until work has ceased on it, and migrate that project to Jest during a slow time.


Notes about migrating an Nx monorepo to Jest.






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