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build and test notes

Build a spring boot oauth server with postgresql db.

There is a bug in spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server v0.2.3 (or it's dependency) to connect mysql. not sure that is it fixed in later version.

docker ide

linux container

$> docker-composer up -d # create env
$> docker-composer start # rerun env
$> docker-composer stop # stop env
$> docker-composer down # delete env

visit localhost:9000 for IDE interface, login password "admin"

running app in docker

running ssoserver (it is an authenication server) at localhost:8081/auth

cd ssoserver/npmLib
npm install
npm run postbuild
cd ../../
# edit ssoserver/src/main/resources/ to change db connection
mvn clean compile spring-boot:run -pl ssoserver -am

running role-server (it is a resource server) at localhost:8082/res

# edit role-server/src/main/resources/ to change db connection
mvn spring-boot:run -pl role-server -am

running ssoclient (it is a client server, with server side authentication) at . because of redirect-uri in db is marked as, it cannot change to localhost. it will input username:password at localhost:8081/auth, and check role through localhost:8082/res

cp ssoclient/src/main/ ssoclient/src/main/
mvn spring-boot:run -pl ssoclient -am

testing command

test client_credentials authentication

# for spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server, if its client_authentication_methods is "client_secret_basic"
# it means that you need to base64 encode "client_id:client_secret" and put in header "Authorization: Basic base64(client_id:client_secret)"
# scope is optional
curl -v -X POST \
	http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/token \
	-F scope=" message.write" \
	-F grant_type=client_credentials \
	-H "Authorization: Basic bWVzc2FnaW5nLWNsaWVudDI6c2VjcmV0"

# for spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server, if its client_authentication_methods is "client_secret_post"
# then it act as the old one
curl -v -X POST \
	http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/token \
	-F scope=" message.write" \
	-F grant_type=client_credentials \
	-F client_id=messaging-client2 \
	-F client_secret=secret


generate access token by client_credentials or authorization_code. password authenication is not support.

# TODO write example about authorization_code

use access token to visit resource server

# if your token has scope, you could try this
curl -v http://localhost:8082/res/api/testScopeRead -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx"
# if your token has scope app_role
curl -v http://localhost:8082/res/api/appRole -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx"
# you will get 403 if scope is wrong

revoke access token and refresh_token

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/revoke \
 -H "Authorization: Basic bWVzc2FnaW5nLWNsaWVudDI6c2VjcmV0" \
 -F token_type_hint=access_token \
 -F token=xxx

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/revoke \
 -H "Authorization: Basic bWVzc2FnaW5nLWNsaWVudDI6c2VjcmV0" \
 -F token_type_hint=refresh_token \
 -F token=xxx


curl -v -X POST \
	http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/token \
	-H "Authorization: Basic bWVzc2FnaW5nLWNsaWVudDI6c2VjcmV0" \
	-F grant_type=refresh_token \
	-F refresh_token=xxx

introspect endpoint

For resource server to verify token. That is, forward the token to auth server to check if it valid

# the client_id and client_secret need not to be the original client.
# that is, the token was generated by messaging-client, it still can verified by messaging-client2
curl -v -X POST \
	http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth2/introspect \
	-H "Authorization: Basic bWVzc2FnaW5nLWNsaWVudDI6c2VjcmV0" \
	-F token=xxx

# response will look like below.
# {"active":true,"sub":"messaging-client2","aud":["messaging-client2"],"nbf":1675400912,"scope":"app_role","iss":"http://localhost:8081/auth","exp":1675401212,"iat":1675400912,"client_id":"messaging-client2","token_type":"Bearer"}

test code grant

to be revise with new framework

curl -v -X GET "http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth/authorize?client_id=spring-security-oauth2-read-write-client&response_type=code&state=5ca75bd30&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flogin%2Foauth2%2Fcode%2Fmy-client-2"

curl -v -X GET "http://localhost:8081/auth/login" --cookie "SESSION=ZWUyZWUzY2QtNTdhZi00ODE2LWFjNzItZWY1N2E1ZjJkZGI4"

curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8081/auth/login" --cookie "SESSION=ZWUyZWUzY2QtNTdhZi00ODE2LWFjNzItZWY1N2E1ZjJkZGI4" -F _csrf=b50d4f23-a77e-4ddb-970b-42e64509e136 -F username=john -F password=456

curl -v -X GET "http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth/authorize?client_id=spring-security-oauth2-read-write-client&response_type=code&state=5ca75bd30&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flogin%2Foauth2%2Fcode%2Fmy-client-2" --cookie "SESSION=OGM2NTdmYjgtMjA4Mi00MmIzLTk5MzEtNWQ2ZTU2MTM3NzMz"

curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth/authorize" --cookie "SESSION=OGM2NTdmYjgtMjA4Mi00MmIzLTk5MzEtNWQ2ZTU2MTM3NzMz" -F _csrf=16fb5657-9ed0-4833-a523-7e1e64aaa364 -F user_oauth_approval=true -F -F scope.write=true -F scope.full_user_list=false -F scope.user_management=false


curl -X POST \
	http://localhost:8081/auth/oauth/token \
	-F grant_type=authorization_code \
	-F redirect_uri="http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/my-client-2" \
	-F code=PEio1w \
	-F client_id=spring-security-oauth2-read-write-client \
	-F client_secret=spring-security-oauth2-read-write-client-password1234

{"access_token":"6e58306a-c371-4aa8-9dac-80083c7aab7f","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"d14c9aca-d7ab-49e6-bd05-5705aa6927d6","expires_in":10799,"scope":"read write"}


revise with spring authentication server







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