Releases: winkm89/teachPress
Releases · winkm89/teachPress
teachPress 9.0.8
What's Changed
- Bugfix: Fix an authenticated (Contributor) SQL Injection issue (Thanks to truonghuuphuc for reporting)
Full Changelog: 9.0.7...9.0.8
teachPress 9.0.7
What's Changed
- New: Meta keys search to shortcodes added (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#259)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Optional private comment box for publication entries (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#257)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameters "show_comment", "comment_text", "comment_tooltip" added
- New: Author search by name for API calls added (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#258)
- New: BibTeX export option for private comments as annote field added (#263)
- New: BibTeX export option for chars conversion added (#265)
- New: Number of publications (ASC or DESC) as sorting options in authors screen added (#264)
- Bugfix: Fix nonce checks on meta settings page (#254)
- Bugfix: Fix warning "Deprecated Creation of dynamic property" - PHP 8.2 (Thanks to rgarofalo) (#256)
- Bugfix: [tpsingle, tpbibtex]: Fix PHP errors if there is no publication to display
- Bugfix: Fix possible usage of missing objects in crossref import
New Contributors
- @rgarofalo made their first contribution in #256
- @Juma7C9 made their first contribution in #259
Full Changelog: 9.0.6...9.0.7
teachPress 9.0.6
- New: Added OSF logo to the links (Thanks to Sven Mayer)
- Bugfix: Fixes another CSRF vulnerability in tp settings dialog (Thanks to LVT-tholv2k for reporting)
teachPress 9.0.5
- Bugfix: Fixed a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in [tp_bibtex] shortcode
- Bugfix: Fixed Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in teachPress admin screens
- Bugfix: Return proper string value in filter hook handler. (Thanks to Tobias Bäthge) (#242)
teachPress 9.0.4
- Changed: Introduce using of target=blank for edit publication links; Unused parameters from edit links removed
teachPress 9.0.3
- New: [tpcite],[tpref] Citations with the same key can be grouped, which means a bibtex-like citation with one unique id = one ref instead of one cite = one ref will be generated (#226, #233) (Thanks to Samuel Thiriot)
- Bugfix: Fixed a french translation (Thanks to Samuel Thiriot)
- Bugfix: Fixed a security vulnerability in ajax callbacks (Thanks for reporting to Le Ngoc Anh)
teachPress 9.0.2
teachPress 9.0.1
teachPress 9.0.0 "Lemon Tart"
Important: This version no longer contains the course module!
- New: Automatic import over API (i.e. for zotero group bibliographies) (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: UI for publication imports improved
- New: import added (Thanks to Johan Hattne)
- New: Support for French diacritics in bibtex entries added (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: Sort order for backend publication overview can be switched between default, pub_id (ASC, DESC) and title (ASC, DESC)
- New: Awards field for publications added (Thanks to Sven Mayer)
- New: Canadian French localization added (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: Support for PlumX and Dimension badges in publication lists added
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] user parameter can now handle user names (login name) (#202)
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] new parameter "years_between" added
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] new parameter "tag_name" added (#219)
- Changed: Removed deprecated methods tp_admin_page_menu(), tp_date_shortcode(), get_tp_course(), get_tp_courses(), get_tp_course_free_places(), tp_is_user_subscribed()
- Changed: Improved bibtex char conversion
- Changed: PMIDs for Import over PubMed are now space separated instead of comma separated
- Changed: course module removed
- Bugfix: Fixed some navigation bugs in the backend