I am trying to test my model with different batch sizes and I am getting different accuracies for different batch sizes.
The model has been roughly trained https://share.weiyun.com/ZhShMt5U. Modify the patchsize in test.py to test
- data:The drishti data set contains 101 images and masks,all here, no more downloads.
- dataset.py:pytorch Dataset, and albumentations
- metrics.py:evaluating indicator like dice iou...
- net.py:unet
- process.py:Training function and verification function
- test.py:Training entrance
- train.py:Test entrance
- pytorch 1.11 (reference)
- torchvision
- numpy
- torch
- tqdm
- albumentations
Try to separate OC and OD from fundus image
cd unet
pip install -r requirements.txt
python train.py
python test.py