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Repository Workflow Guidance

Anna Milan edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 16 revisions

WMO-IM Workflow

This generic workflow applies to the following repositories: BUFR4, CCT, CF-NetCDF, GRIB2, WMCP, and WMDS. There are 4 actors and 6 stages.

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Branch Management

There are two options, with or without a compiled branch for validation.

Without Validation BranchWith Validation Branch


  1. Stakeholder: This may be an expert who registers the issue, helps validate or in general has a vested interest in the outcome.
  2. Team and Facilitator: Prioritises the issues, develops solutions, validates the results and verifies the amendment report.
  3. Team Chair: Leads the team, assigns facilitators and notifies the Secretariat.
  4. Secretariat: Creates branches, develops the amendment report and merges branches into master after amendments are adopted.


  1. Submitted: An issue is registered and added to the project. The team determines if the issue should be worked on. If no, then add an explanation and close the issue. If yes, the chair assigns team member to facilitate the issue and move to "In Progress". The facilitator "owns" the issue, engages stakeholders as needed and maintains the issue until it is closed by the Secretariat.
  2. In Progress: Facilitator and team propose a solution, document it clearly in GitHub and engages stakeholders/domain experts as needed. When there is consensus, the Chair moves the issue to "In Validation" and notifies the Secretariat.
  3. In Validation: The secretariat creates a branch from Master. The facilitator updates the branch based on the determined solution and another designated individual validates the branch using sample data. When it's valid, the chair moves issue to "Validated" and notifies secretariat. The branch shall be named "issue-##" based on the issue number, e.g. "issue-29".
  4. Validated: The secretariat verifies that the issue is well documented, merges the issue branch to a consolidated branch for all fast track issues and prepares draft documents for submission. Team may be asked to verify amendment document, but no further work should be done on the branch. The consolidated branch shall be named "FT-YYYY-#", e.g. "FT-2020-2".
  5. For Approval: Draft amendments have been submitted and are awaiting final approval. When they are approved, secretariat merges the FT-YYYY-## branch to Master branch, moves the issue to Done and publishes to the Manual on Codes and //
  6. Publication: Secretariat deletes issue branches and closes the issues.
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