zellij/0.41.2-r1: cve remediation #61448
8 warnings
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
Look for changed files
Unable to find merge base between 821177815666b95a08347e963fcbb7fe744f7ec6 and 810359e9ecee2ad5a5799abf71e25d3bd81ae513
This workflow ran on a hosted runner that uses the "Base Image for Ubuntu Server 22.04". This image will be deprecated in September 2024. Please setup a new runner to use the "Ubuntu 22.04 by Arm Limited" or "Ubuntu 24.04 by Arm Limited" image. This will help reduce workflow run times as there are pre-installed tools. To view the list of installed software on new images, check out https://github.com/actions/partner-runner-images repository.