A list of Sketch plugins hosted at GitHub, in alphabetical order.
Note: if you want to add yours, just open an issue with the URL, or send a pull request.
- 47deg/pointgrid This plugin makes it easy to create different breakpoints during a responsive web design.
- 8by8/sketchplugins Plugins for Sketch.
- abynim/BaseAlign A Sketch Plugin to align Text Layers by their baselines
- abynim/SketchSquares Replace layers in Sketch with photos from Instagram.
- abynim/sketchy-pies A Sketch plugin to magically convert regular circle layers into pie charts!
- abynim/userflows Generate user walkthroughs from Artboards in Sketch.
- abynim/Xport A Sketch Plugin to export image assets directly to Xcode
- adamhowell/random-opacity-sketch-plugin Randomly change the opacity of selected objects in Sketch.
- ajaaibu/ThaanaText Sketch Plugin to generate thaana strings, paragraphs, articles.
- alessndro/sketch-plugins An incredible collection of plugins, including some great ones for working with baselines.
- alexito4/Sketch-Color-Theme-Plugin Sketch plugin that generates Objective-C Color Theme files.
- alienresident/Sketch-Flowchart Flowchart plugin for Sketch. Based on AEFlowchart with customizable colors and layer styles
- almonk/SketchGit A simple Git client built right into Sketch.
- andrewfiorillo/sketch-character-count Sketch plugin to count number of characters in a text layer
- andrewfiorillo/sketch-palettes Sketch plugin that lets you save and load colors in the color picker
- andrewfiorillo/sketch-unlock-all Sketch plugin to unlock all layers
- AndrewKF/Sketch-Buttonsmith A button creator plugin for Sketch.
- AntonStrand/dynamic-reposition Make it easy to resize an object without having to manually move all the content to keep the margins.
- AntonStrand/Sketch-Resize Use one layer or the artboard as a template to resize other layers.
- arjenvr/sketch-radius Sketch plugin to increase or decrease the corner radius on rectangle shapes using keyboard shortcuts.
- Arkkimaagi/ArtboardZoom "Zoom" to currently selected Artboard.
- atomkirk/Find-Slice-Sketch-Plugin List all exportable layers/slices and navigate to selection.
- automat/sketch-plugin-typographic-scale Generates a typographic scale from selected text layers.
- auxdesigner/Sketch-Plugin---NumGen Generate numbers that are: CTR, clicks, costs, impr.
- axmsv/sharpen-images-sketch Sharpen Images plugin allows to apply Sharpen filter to your image layers in Sketch.
- bbsody/sketch-guides-remover Another guide remover plugin for Sketch
- bitinn/sketch-text-align Properly align text layers regardless of their rectangle box in Sketch.
- bomberstudios/sketch-commands A collection of script commands for Bohemian Coding's Sketch.app
- bomberstudios/sketch-duplicate-and-nudge A port to Sketch.app of Photoshop's Duplicate and Nudge feature.
- bomberstudios/sketch-generator This command is a recreation for Sketch of the Photoshop Generator functionality introduced by Adobe on Photoshop CC.
- bouchenoiremarc/Sketch-Constraints A plugin that integrates constraints in Sketch to lay out layers.
- brandonbeecroft/Lorem-Ipsum-Plugin-for-Sketch This is a plugin for quickly creating Lorem Ipsum text in Sketch.
- BriteSnow/sketch-storyboard Turn your artboards into storyboards.
- bshorta/date-generator-sketch A random date generator plugin for Sketch
- bunguu/SketchExportForRepliaPlugin Sketch Plugins to export selected artboard or layers for Replia
- buscarini/sketch-plugins Plugins for Bohemian Coding Sketch, including "Duplicate to All Artboards" and "Golden Ratio".
- buzzfeed/Sketch-Toolbox A plugin manager for Sketch.app.
- cdl/sketch-cloudapp Upload a PNG of the current Sketch artboard to CloudApp with a single keystroke.
- cemre/cemre-sketch-plugins Sketch plugins by Cemre Güngör.
- Charimon/iosViews Sketch plugin to generate ios view code
- chibatching/select_all_slices Sketch app plugin to select all slices in current page
- clusterinc/SketchToAppStore Generate App Store images for all iPhone sizes from Sketch.
- davidudvardy/sketch-plugins Scripts for Bohemian Coding's Sketch application.
- dawidw/frame-sequencer Sketch plugin that helps you prepare frame sequences to combine with Generate Gif plugin to generate animated gifs inside Sketch. Perfect for Dribbble.
- ddwht/sketch-dynamic-button Dynamic button plug-in for Sketch.app allows to create buttons with fixed margins no matter what text you add.
- delighted/sketch-duplicate-to-new-artboard Sketch plugin to duplicate the current selection(s) to new artboard(s).
- delighted/sketch-pull-to-center Pull to center: Move selected shapes or layers toward center of artboard.
- delighted/sketch-scale-all-in-place Scale all in place: Resize all selected shapes or layers, in place, from center.
- delighted/sketch-upload-to-cloudapp Upload to CloudApp: Upload the current artboard or page to CloudApp.
- design4use/gb-sketch-nudge Nudge ↓ ← ↑ → by a customizable number of pixels
- designedbyDC/Aspect-Ratio Scales objects in standard aspect ratios (4:3, 16:9, 3:2, etc.)
- designedbyDC/Asset-Export-for-iOS-and-Android Export assets for iOS & Android
- devxoul/sketch-export-sizes-generator A simple plugin for Sketch that generates export sizes of layers.
- dezonik/Typograph Typograph — Sketch plugin and js-library
- dunckr/sketch-colorfulgradients Import gradients as shape fills using Will Burn's colorfulgradients and colorincolor.
- dunckr/sketch-subtlepatterns Import subtle patterns as shape fills in Sketch.
- ed-lea/easyshare.sketchplugin The easiest way to share your work in progress, directly from Sketch. Artboards uploaded to a private URL.
- einancunlu/Sketch-iOS-Bar-Color-Calculator A Sketch plugin that calculates and applies the correct color for you to get actual design color after applying it to a translucent UIToolbar or UINavigationBar.
- einancunlu/Sketch-State-Switch-Master Define different states and switch between them like a boss.
- eivindbohler/Sketch-All-Caps Sketch all caps plugin
- eivindbohler/Sketch-Unlinker Sketch plugin that lets you unlink selected layers and groups from either shared symbols, styles or text styles, en masse.
- elihorne/smartboards Smartboards is a collection of plugins that make my life easier in Sketch.
- eric-adstage/Sketch_RotateLine More precise rotation for line objects in Sketch compared to the native Rotate tool, which only offers arbitrary rotation. Includes a 'Rotate a Copy' feature and Relative and Absolute rotation as well.
- Falkeyn/Modulizer Sketch.app plugin for auto-padding.
- fhuel/Unsplash-It-Sketch A plugin to quickly include great looking image from Unsplash.com in your Sketch projects.
- florianpnn/sketch-data-parser A sketch plugin to parse your data and populate your design.
- fnky/sketch-dockpreview A Sketch plugin that lets you preview your current artboard in the Dock.
- FrancisVega/ZEN-Sketch A collection of Sketch plugins
- frankko/Artboard-Tools Sketch.app plugins for arranging artboards and navigating between artboards.
- frankko/UtilityBelt An always-expanding collection of simple, focused plugins for Sketch.
- FreakLab/sketch-browser-preview Generates a preview (⌘ + ⇧ + .) of your current artboard and shows in your web browser.
- FredericJacobs/crop_Artboard A script to export the Sketch App artboards to the clipboard.
- GeertWille/sketch-export-assets A Sketch plugin that allows to quickly export assets for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and the Web.
- GeertWille/sketch-to-xcode-assets-catalog A Sketch plugin that allows to export assets for iOS directly from Sketch into Xcodes assets catalog.
- getflourish/Consistency This Sketch plugin helps you to create and apply shared styles and symbols.
- getflourish/Copy-and-Paste-for-Framer Copy & paste boilerplate code from a Sketch layer to FramerJS.
- getflourish/Sketch-Color-Contrast-Analyser A Sketch plugin that calculates the color contrast of two selected layers and evaluates it against the WCAG2.0.
- getflourish/Sketch-Export-Text-Styles Export all your Sketch text styles as CSS (proof of concept).
- getflourish/Sketch-Mate These plugins will make you best friends with Sketch.
- getflourish/Sketch-Select-Layers-by-Color This plugin selects all layers that have the same fill color as the currently selected layer.
- getflourish/Sketch-Select-Similar-Text-Layers-Plugin Selects all text layers that have the same text style as the reference text layer.
- getflourish/Sketch-Set-Line-Height-Plugin Plugin that allows you to set the line height of a text layer as a multiple of the font size.
- getflourish/Sketch-Sort-Layers Plugin that can sort layers or artboards based on text, layer name or position.
- getflourish/Sketch-Style-Inventory Generate a visual style sheet with all colors and text styles that you are using in Sketch.
- goodpatch/Prott-Sketch-Plugin Sync Sketch artboards to Prott like a boss.
- graphical-iain/Copy-SCSS-Colors Sketch.app Plugin to copy colors to clipboard as SCSS variable definitions.
- groove25/DrawingKit DrawingKit is a collection of commands for use in Sketch.
- hamidp/sketchtextsourcer Sketch plugin for easily populating a bunch of text layers from a source.
- hrescak/MatejSketchPlugins a box for random sketch plugins
- hrescak/Sketch-Flex-Layout Plugin for Sketch allowing for CSS Flexbox layouts using stylesheets and prototypes
- hrescak/Sketch-Layer-Name-Tools Set of plugins for manipulating layer names in Sketch
- hrescak/sketchPlugins A box for random sketch plugins: Toggle Specs (cmd+L) toggles visibility of all of the layer groups in your document named "specs". Other than specs this could be useful with hidden guides.
- hugocornejo/sketch-mirror-refresh A little plugin to force Sketch Mirror to refresh the whole screen, for those situations when Mirror gets a little bit lazy and refuses to update the last actions.
- ichord/sketch-divine-proportions A plugin for Sketch to generate divine proportions automatically.
- interacthings/swap-elements Sketch plugin to swap positions of two elements
- jacobmoncur/SketchVectorDrawable Sketch plugin that exports Android VectorDrawables
- jamztang/MagicMirror Perspective Transformation for Sketch Artboards
- JayHoltslander/Sketch-Make-Long-Shadow A plugin for Sketch to create long shadows from a shape
- jelias/sketch-upload This Sketch plugin allows designers to upload the selected artboard or slice to Cloud App with a simple shortcut ⇧⌘U.
- jessebilsten/Sketch-TitleCase A Sketch plugin that changes your text to TitleCase
- jimrutherford/Random-User A SketchApp plugin that inserts random user data into your Sketch documents.
- jimrutherford/UIColor-Category-Generator A SketchApp plugin that generates a UIColor Objective-C Category class from your Sketch documents.
- jodyheavener/CSS-Buddy A Sketch 3 plugin that allows you to use CSS on layers.
- jodyheavener/Swatches Generate color swatches from hex codes.
- joegirolamo/SketchPlugins-WIP Repo where life-changing Sketch Plugins live.
- jonmmay/sketch-scrollmotion Sketch plugin to export ScrollMotion
- joshpuckett/SketchPlugins A git repo containing various plugins for Sketch (including 'Handy', a plugin that makes working with guides easier).
- joshwayne/jw-sketch-plugins Josh Wayne's plugins for Sketch. So far, it includes two very interesting commands for working with text layers.
- jtmarmon/ColorMime ColorMime is a simple plugin for Sketch which allows you to quickly duplicate any Colourlovers palette in your sketch project.
- keeg/sketch-text-uppercase Toggle a text layer to upper and lower case.
- kenmoore/Sketch-Arrange-Artboards Lay out all your artboards in a grid with user-specified number of rows.
- kenmoore/Sketch-Artboard Move Next / Previous artboard into view, preserving vertical offset and zooming to width.
- kenmoore/Sketch-Better-Paste Paste like it was meant to be--into the artboard you're viewing.
- kenmoore/Sketch-Relabel-Button Update a button's label and it gets resized automatically, preserving existing padding.
- kenmoore/Sketch-Text-to-Specs Quickly turn a text layer into a styled annotation, grouped with a background card.
- keremciu/sketch-iconfont Use icon fonts in sketch
- keremciu/sketch-select-invisible-layers Select invisible layers on current page
- keremciu/sketch-use-fontawesome Font awesome plugin for sketch
- kmerc/sketch-import-symbols Easily import symbols from another Sketch file
- kodlian/IconSlate-sketchplugin Export icons (icns,ico,...) from Sketch using Icon Slate
- KrevedAccky/SketchSplitDivide Split and Divide plugins for Sketch3 app.
- kristof/draft-for-sketch The fastest way to share your Sketch artboards.
- kristof/sketch-i18n Easily translate pages in Sketch.
- kumo/sketch-mail-merge Sketch plugin that allows you to duplicate a layer/artboard and replace text with CSV data.
- kumo/Sketch-Plugin-Scripts Some scripts to randomly distribute and rotate objects.
- kumo/sketch-tiles A Sketch plugin for playing with seamless tiles
- LigCreative/sketch-bluth-ipsum Sketch App plugin for creating dummy 'Bluth' content http://ligcreative.github.io/sketch-bluth-ipsum/.
- littlebusters/Regexp-Rename You can change the layer name by Regexp in Sketch 3.
- littlebusters/Sketch-CSS-Sprite-Mixin Copy mixin code for SCSS, Less and Stylus to clipboard in Sketch 3.
- lmwebdesign/Sketch3-ColorSwitch Sketch 3 plugin for quickly switch border and fill colors with pre-defined palette.
- longzheng/sketch-randomSize Sketch plugin to randomly resize selected elements.
- lrtitze/Sketch-Plugins-LRTGenerators Sketch 3 plugin scripts for generating object collections.
- LucienLee/AlignTo Sketch 3 plugin that align layers relative to more options.
- lukas77me/Sketch-Comments Easily add comments to your designs.
- makzan/Sketch-Plugin-Scripts Some scripts for the Mac Sketch app, including "Blend Steps", "Simple Pattern" and "Fill Artboard".
- malkomalko/sketch-android-kit Sketch.app Plugin for Exporting Android Layouts (WIP at the moment)
- mamuso/sketch-cat-ipsum If you love catipsum.com & sketch as much as I do, then I don't know how could you live without this plugin.
- marceloeduardo/Sketch-Scripts A port of Illustrator's "Split Into Grid" to Sketch.
- marcisme/sketch-preview This Sketch plugin provides a preview command (⌘P) that will open a specially named slice in Skala Preview. The plugin works by exporting the first slice named Preview to Sketch's cache directory and opening that file in Skala Preview.
- marcosvidal/Sketch-Notebook Sketch Plugin to make documenting design easier.
- marcosvidal/sketch-speaker Making Sketch talk...
- marmat/sketch-interpolate-paths A Sketch plugin for a step-wise transformation of one path into another.
- marvelapp/marvel-sketch Export your artboards to your Marvel prototypes.
- matt-curtis/Archetype An expiriemental plugin for Sketch
- matt-curtis/Sketch-Server A Sketch Plugin that creates a local web server for your Sketch Documents.
- mattmcmanus/select-child-layers-sketch-plugin Select all child layers of a group with a key command.
- mauehara/sketch-page-switch A dummy plugin to quickly switch between pages using shortcuts.
- maundytime/sketch-9patch Convert one or more artboards to 9patch layout, then export xxx.9.png to desktop.
- mendyismyname/Dynamic-Button-Symbol-Detacher Merged two great sketch plugins to enhance my button workflow allowing me to use symbols as a base from my buttons
- mfouquet/Color-Copier Sketch Plugin to quickly copy color RGB/HEX values.
- mindwork/sketch A rename layers plugin.
- mmth/sketch-artwork-fetcher Artwork fetcher plugin for Sketch
- mpaiva/My-Sketch-Plugins An amazing resource to get you started with Sketch plugins development.
- mscodemonkey/Sketch-Find-And-Replace Sketch 3 plugin to do a simple find and replace on text within layers
- nadavsavio/sketch-plugins "Plugins for Sketch app from Bohemian Coding". Includes two interesting commands to navigate to Next and Previous artboards.
- nathco/Clear-Styles Sketch.app plugin for clearing all layer style properties.
- nathco/Generate-GIF Plugin for generating animated GIFs from a sequence of artboards.
- nathco/Generate-ICNS Sketch.app plugin for generating an Apple Icon Image ( .icns )
- nathco/Swap-Fill-Border Sketch.app plugin for swapping fill and border colors.
- nathco/Sync-Plugins Sync local Sketch.app plugins with their master version at GitHub.
- nerthase/TrimArtboard A simple Sketch plugin to trim artboards
- nickstamas/Sketch-Better-Android-Export A plugin for exporting layers for Android. Supports transparency and 1x and 2x base sizes.
- nickstamas/Sketch-Quick-Pic Quickly fill a layer with an image from Flickr based on tags.
- nodesolomon/Design-Quotes-Sketch-Plugin Get random quotes from quotesondesign.com from within Sketch.app
- nolastan/charts.sketchplugin Quickly insert charts into Sketch
- nolastan/Sketch-Personas Quickly populate mockups with fake user data
- nwallen/Sketch-Motion Plugin to create motion designs in Sketch
- ozgurgunes/Sketch-Layer-Comps A plugin which saves and applies layer states to create different compositions of current page.
- ozzik/swap-styles Sketch plugin for swaping styles between two layers
- paulfarino/sketch-device-collection This plugin makes it easy to to fill layers in Sketch with devices.
- petehouston/sketch-guides Just another Guide plugin for Sketch.
- PEZ/SketchDistributor Distribute selection objects vertically or horizontally with a given spacing between them.
- postite/colorPoz recolor all elements like the selected object color with the hex color of your choice.
- poyi/Copy-Fill-Color A Plugin that provides a shortcut for copying a layer's fill color to clipboard.
- preciousforever/sketch-data-populator Say goodbye to Lorem Ipsum: populate your Sketch documents with meaningful data.
- preciousforever/sketch-toggle-layer-visibility A simple plugin to to toggle visibility of a specified 'layerName'.
- Raureif/sketch-click-dummy Export simple HTML click dummies to prototype interactivity. Just draw rectangles to create links between artboards.
- Rezaaa/english-and-persian-lorem-ipsum This is a plugin for quickly creating english & persian(farsi) Lorem Ipsum text in Sketch.
- ribot/sketch-page-helpers This plugin includes a few simple actions to make managing pages easier in Sketch.
- ribot/sketch-toggle-locked-layers Unlock locked layers, make changes, then lock again straight from your artboards.
- ribot/sketch-user-flow-docs This plugin lets you link images in a document with an extenal image file and update them all at once.
- rodi01/Align-To-Layer Sketch plugin to align selected layers to the bottom one.
- rodi01/RenameIt A port of the Renamy Photoshop plugin for Sketch: it lets you rename layers like a boss.
- romannurik/Sketch-ArtboardTricks Artboard Tricks plugin for Sketch
- romannurik/Sketch-NibUITemplatePlugin A template/example Sketch plugin with a UI built in Interface Builder and connected to CocoaScript through black magic
- romashamin/sort-me-sketch Sort artboards and layers by name
- romashamin/statemachine-sketch The State Switcher
- rxlabz/skrx Skrx ( ~skreecks ) exports a selection of elements (for now only the rectangles) to Apache Flex MXML or FXG description, and copy it to clipboard.
- ryanlanglois/RulerGrid A Sketch.app plugin to create a grid with rulers.
- samdeane/sketch-scripts Scripts for Sketch, by another one of the Bohemian Coding guys.
- schwa23/cleanupsfui Sketch Plugin to clean up SF UI fonts character spacing & normalize text & display variants.
- sdrib/HipsterFill Dummy text filler plugin for Sketch!
- sebj/Cover-Artboard Resizes the selected layer to cover its containing artboard in Sketch.
- sebj/Invert-Background-Color Invert a layer's background color in Sketch.
- sebj/Remove-Fills-and-Borders Remove a layer's fills and borders in Sketch.
- sebj/Rename-Layers Rename multiple layers at once in Sketch.
- sebj/Select-By-Name Selects all layers of the same name in Sketch.
- sebj/Setup-Iconset-Artboards Creates artboards and export options necessary to export a .iconset in Sketch.
- shahruz/Send-to-Slack A plugin for Sketch.app to share artboards to Slack.
- shahruz/Sketch.app-Vertical-Fit A simple plugin for Sketch.app which automatically adjusts the height of a rectangle to contain the text layer above it, along with an optional top and bottom padding.
- shakemno/sketch-replace-images Sketch 3 plugin to replace (as in update) existing images by name in a sketch document.
- sketchplugins/plugin-requests A collection of plugins requested to the official @sketchapp Twitter account.
- solicomo/export-to-icns A Sketch plugin which can export artboards or slice to ICNS.
- soulchild/sketch-logo-fetcher Sketch plugin which fetches and inserts logos using the Clearbit company logo API
- soutaro/Align-text-baseline-sketch-plugin Align text layer vertically based on its baseline and cap height
- sskyy/blade A Sketch plugin for automatically HTML generate.
- stuartromanek/sketch-mouse-pointers
- t32k/material-design-color-palette-sketch-plugin Sketch app plugin for displaying Google material design color palette.
- tadija/AEFlowchart This plugin makes it fast and easy to draw flowcharts in Sketch.
- tadija/AEIconizer A Sketch plugin that automatically resizes artwork for iOS app icon.
- tarngerine/sketch-origami-export Official export plugin for Facebook's Origami for Quartz Composer.
- thetylerwolf/sketch-data-studio Automatically generate charts and data tables with real numbers in Sketch. Import directly from CSV files.
- timuric/Content-generator-sketch-plugin Sketch app plugin for generating dummy data such as avatars, names, photos, geo data etc.
- todoriliev/generate-android-assets Sketch plugin that automatically generates MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI, and XXXHDPI Android assets.
- tokuda109/SwitchArtboard.sketchplugin Sketch 3 plugin to quickly switch between artboards
- trisix/ITSSketchPlugins Some home-brewed Sketch App Plugins.
- trisweb/sketchplugins Tristan's Plugins for Bohemian Coding's Sketch.app
- tudou527/marketch Marketch is a Sketch 3 plug-in for automatically generating html page that can measure and get CSS styles on it.
- turbobabr/Duplicator A Sketch 3 plugin that takes the currently selected layers and copies them one or multiple times in a specified direction.
- turbobabr/sketch-qrcode QR Code generator plugin for Sketch App.
- tylergaw/day-player A collection of Sketch Plugins for creating placeholder images.
- tylergaw/icon-stamper A Sketch Plugin for creating multiple sizes of iOS icons.
- tylergaw/sketch-generate-posts A WIP Sketch Plugin to generate blog post elements from JSON'd RSS feeds.
- tylergaw/skribbble Sketch plugins for getting shots and info from Dribbble.
- uetchy/Sketch-StickyGrid Sketch plugin to make paths be snapped to grid.
- uhunkler/jstalk-sketch-library A collection of JSTalk methods for Bohemian Coding’s Sketch. The methods support Sketch scripting - writing plugins or code that interacts with Sketch.
- uhunkler/jstalk-sketch-recipes Recipes for JSTalk Sketch scripts and plugins. The goal is to help people new to JSTalk and Sketch scripting to start and to give examples for Sketch automation or extending tasks.
- utom/sketch-measure A measure tool for Sketch.app (think Specctr for Sketch)
- vibrazy/Color-Fonts-Code-Generator-iOS-Android-Windows Create Color and Font Swatches and Export to iOS, Android and Windows
- vrjbndr/sketch-plugins A collection of useful workflow plugins, including automating selecting and zooming in on next/previous artboards.
- webpatch/Handy-Tools Some handy tools for Sketch
- weezard/Weezards-Sketch-Plugins Some useful plugins for Sketch 3.0.
- wentin/sketch-states-switch A tool to save and switch states for quick demo purpose in sketch.
- wodory/flowmate Sketch Plugin to draw flowchart and diagram
- wolanski/sketch-vertical-teleporter Moves selected layers vertically according to the cursor position.
- wonderbit/sketch-select-similar-layers A plugin that selects layers with similar attributes to those of the layer currently selected.
- WorkingOn/SketchingOn Quickly select and share work in progress with your team via WorkingOn http://workingon.co.
- x-raizor/Efficiency Set of plugins for efficient work: change text linespacing and leading via keyboard, random sizing and random positioning of selected items, keep only text layers in selection.
- zachheine/sketch-translate Sketch plugin to do text translation using Google translate.
- zakkain/sketch-copyeditor Update and version copy changes in your sketch files
- zeplin/zeplin-sketch-plugin Zeplin Sketch plugin https://zeplin.io.
- zhifengkoh/resize_artboard A Sketch plugin for resizing artboards to fit their content.
- zmalltalker/sketch-android-assets Generate Android assets in Sketch.