Example Analysis for the NCEP Parasite Biodiversity: Community Data Analysis Exercise
Now in RStudio
This analysis will load the dataset, make sure all the variables are correctly categorized by R. Then the code will generate tables of the means and standard errors of parasite abundance within each of the hosts in fished and unfished areas. Finally, it generates a plot of the means and standard errors of abundance using ggplot2. The analysis is set up as a compendium, and should allow for full reproducibility.
Click the button below to go to Binder, which is an online version of RStudio running the analsysis.
The following items are included in this repository:
- .binder file which contains the components needed to run the Binder RStudio environment.
- .gitingore includes a list of things to not be pushed to this repo
- DESCRIPTION file containing the project metadata and dependencies
- README this document! Contains general info on the files and how to use them.
- ParasiteBiodiversity_DATA.csv the data for the analysis as a comma separated text document
- ParasiteBiodiversity_DATA_markdown.html the html version of the R Markdown file with the code for analysis
- ParasiteBiodiversity_DATA_markdown.Rmd the markdown file with the R code for the analysis
- binder-test.Rproj file to keep all the other files linked together in R.