Download public proxy resource, check speed, and auto deploy as haproxy server
./ [params]
-b BASE: base dir, where to find configs and functions. default: ./
-t TIMEOUT: timeout time of check resource. default: 5s
-c COUNT: parallel count when check resources. default: 50
-p PORT: local listen port when check resources. default: 20000
-f FILE: save valid resources to this file.
-P script: script to be executed after success get resource
-s: do not delete temp files
-v: verbose output
-D: debug mode
-h: print help
./ -f ss.lst
./ -f ss.lst -P commands/
./ -P commands/
- commands: sub-scripts
- functions: public functions
- protocols: protocol deps configs
- decode-ss:
- ss://method:password@server:port
- decode-ssr
- ssr://server:port:protocol:method:obfs:password_base64/?params_base64
- params_base64: obfsparam=obfsparam_base64&protoparam=protoparam_base64&remarks=remarks_base64&group=group_base64
- ssr://server:port:protocol:method:obfs:password_base64/?params_base64
- decode-ss:
- sources: public proxy source