Chinese naming tool, supports ancient poetry naming. Built-in Shijin, Analects, Tang poetry, Song poetry, Chuci, Zhouyi. Support for get name from customize article.
- Scroll down for English documentation.
pip install pypinyin
pip install jieba
pip install opencc-python-reimplemented
# 长辈姓名--删掉所有读音相同的字--例:加入“伟”,则结果中不会出现任何读音为we的字(为伟位微卫...)
banned_list = lazy_pinyin("可悦思平笑华世永念沁建宏中人春山雨国清溪瑞峰")
# 名字开头字母--删掉所有以此字母开头的字--例:加入“w”,则结果中不会出现任何拼音以w开头的字(卫瓦望卧...)
bad_init = list("eqrsxy")
# 不想要的名字--删掉所有相同的字--例:加入“贵”,则结果中不会出现“贵”字
bad_words = list("富贵民国军卫义二三四"
# 笔画数--名字的笔画总数的范围--例:王伟,名字笔画总数为6(不计姓氏)
stroke_number = [0, 200]
# 字数--名字的字数--例:王伟,字数为1
character_number = 2
# 姓--不会影响名字的生成,仅仅影响输出
last_name = "王"
# 允许叠字--例:欢欢,西西
replicate = False
# 选择词库
# 0: "默认", 1: "诗经", 2: "楚辞", 3: "论语",
# 4: "周易", 5: "唐诗", 6: "宋诗", 7: "宋词"
# 8: 自定义
name_source = 1
# 是否筛选名字--仅输出默认库中存在的名字,可以删除明显不合适的名字
name_validate = True
# 是否筛选性别--仅输出与默认库中对应名字性别相同的名字--仅当开启名字筛选时有效
filter_gender = True
# 性别--男/女--仅当开启名字筛选时有效
gender = "女"
姓名 性别 名字笔画数 取词来源
王琼瑶 女 26 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。匪报也,永以为好也!
王琼莹 女 22 俟我于庭乎而,充耳以青乎而,尚之以琼莹乎而。
- pypinyin
- jieba
- opencc-python
- json
- re
Chinese naming tool, supports ancient poetry naming. Built-in Shijin, Analects, Tang poetry, Song poetry, Chuci, Zhouyi. Support for get name from customize article.
Only focus on whether the name sounds good or not, not focus the fortune.
1.Install all third-party library
pip install pypinyin
pip install jieba
pip install opencc-python-reimplemented
2.adjust the configuration in main.py
# Name of elders in family--remove all chinese character with same pronuncation--for example:add “伟”, then you won't get any chinese character pronunced as "we"(为伟位微卫...)
banned_list = lazy_pinyin("可悦思平笑华世永念沁建宏中人春山雨国清溪瑞峰")
# initial--remove all of the name with this initial--for example:add“w”, then you won't get any chinese character start by "w"(卫瓦望卧...)
bad_init = list("eqrsxy")
# bad chinese character--remove all of the same chinese character--for example:add“贵”, then you won't get “贵” in the result.
bad_words = list("富贵民国军卫义二三四"
# stroke number--range of name's total stroke number--for example:王伟,stroke number=6 (don't count the lastname)
stroke_number = [0, 200]
# number of characters--number of characters in firstname--for example:王伟,number of characters=1
character_number = 2
# lastname--won't affect name's generation, only affect the result
last_name = "王"
# allow replicate in name--for example:欢欢,西西
replicate = False
# choose lexicon
# 0: "默认", 1: "诗经", 2: "楚辞", 3: "论语",
# 4: "周易", 5: "唐诗", 6: "宋诗", 7: "宋词"
# 8: 自定义
name_source = 1
# filter the name--only output the name exist in deafult lexicon("默认"), it can remove some bad names
name_validate = True
# filter the gender--only output the name when the gender is same as the gender shows in deafult lexicon--it only valid when name_validate is True
filter_gender = True
# gender--男/女--only valid when filter_gender is True
gender = "女"
3.Result will write in "names.txt"
For example:
name gender strock number origin
王琼瑶 女 26 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。匪报也,永以为好也!
王琼莹 女 22 俟我于庭乎而,充耳以青乎而,尚之以琼莹乎而。
- pypinyin
- jieba
- opencc-python
- json
- re