An Ansible role that installs Prometheus Monitoring server on Ubuntu-based machines with systemd.
All needed packages will be installed with this role. Minimal Ansible version - 2.0.
Available main variables are listed below, along with default values:
prometheus_version: 1.1.3
prometheus_global_scrape_interval: 15s
prometheus_global_evaluation_interval: 15s
prometheus_global_scrape_timeout: 10s
prometheus_self_scrape_interval: "{{ prometheus_global_scrape_interval }}"
prometheus_self_evaluation_interval: "{{ prometheus_global_scrape_interval }}"
prometheus_root_dir: /opt/prometheus
prometheus_config_dir: /etc/prometheus
prometheus_pid_path: /var/run/
prometheus_db_dir: /var/lib/prometheus
prometheus_web_listen_address: ":9090"
prometheus_alertmanager_url: 'localhost:9093'
'config.file': '{{ prometheus_config_dir }}/prometheus.yml'
'storage.local.path': '{{ prometheus_db_dir }}'
'web.listen-address': '{{ prometheus_web_listen_address }}'
'alertmanager.url': '{{ prometheus_alertmanager_url }}'
All variables you can see here.
This role doesn't have dependencies.
- hosts: monitoring
- { role: UnderGreen.prometheus }
You should create another config parts of main file inside {{ playbook_dir }}/files/config_parts
I use Ansible assembly and config parts should have alphabethical order. For example 2-static_sd.yml
- job_name: "files_sd"
scrape_interval: 15s
- files:
- '/etc/prometheus/tgroups/*.json'
- '/etc/prometheus/tgroups/*.yml'
- '/etc/prometheus/tgroups/*.yaml'
refresh_interval: '5m'