Releases: wtsi-npg/genotyping
Releases · wtsi-npg/genotyping
Release 1.14.2
Minor addition: Enable Fluidigm QC results to be published to iRODS
Release 1.14.1
Added Fluidigm QC:
- Compute QC metrics and write in CSV format
- Can update an existing CSV file
- Command-line script
Release 1.14.0
- Replace identity metric with Bayesian version:
- Update QC pass/fail evaluation, plots and reports
- Bugfix in Need to import Runnable
- Removed identity_qc workflow and tests from Ruby code
- New workflow to write Plink and run gencall QC only
- Extensive refactor of QC metric collation
- Converted to a Moose class; enables better code structure and use of Loggable Role
- Replace single collate() method with individual methods to write output files, update pipeline database, etc.
- Supply only one JSON config file, which determines all thresholds (instead of allowing a filter file to override the config thresholds for the pipeline database update)
- Use Text::CSV instead of split() to read metric results
- Added tests for dry-run mode of Fluidigm archive script
Release 1.13.2
Hotfix to add manifest paths for Fluidigm in the old identity QC check
Release 1.13.1
- Made more transparent and portable.
- Updated WTSI-DNAP-Utilities and perl-irods-wrap versions in Includes updates to logging.
- Fixed default LSF queue for Ruby workflows
Release 1.13.0
- script to install pipeline and its Perl dependencies
- Documentation for Bayesian identity check
- Modified to better align with user SOP
- Updated reference genome for Sequenom iRODS query
- Update perl-irods-wrap dependency to 2.4.0; this requires baton version >= 0.16.4.
Release 1.12.0
- New script for pipeline setup
- Improved implementation of prototype Bayesian identity check
- Made compatible with latest dependency versions
- Removed Annotation modules; functionality replaced by in wtsi-npg/perl-irods-wrap