This manual has been tested on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation.
- The packages has been tested on Python 3.8 with numpy, gurobipy, stormpy installed.
- For visualization matplotlib is needed, in addition to tikzplot
To install the package, go to the directory MCE_IRL_POMDPs where it has been extracted and execute
python3 -m pip install -e .
We provide the command in order to reproduce the reulst in the paper. Note that the directory
contains all the POMDP model descriptions you want to reproduce the expected reward and computation time of SolvePOMDP and SARSOP
In order to obtain the computation time and reward in all the domains by our approach you need to execute the file
Comment and uncomment lines in this file according to the benchmark instance you want to reproduce,
Execute the following commands to learn a policy and plot the policy. The following command can be executed for every other envronemnts such as avoid_example
, evade_example