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Mia edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the PlayerVisibility Wiki!

You can toggle Player Visibility using the V key. You can change the key you have to press in Minecraft settings.
A big part of the configuration works by using commands. Here's a list of them:

Whitelist Commands

Command Description
/visibility whitelist add <username> Adds a player to the whitelist
/visibility whitelist remove <username> Removes a player from the whitelist
/visibility whitelist clear Clears all whitelisted players
/visibility whitelist view Shows the current whitelist

Config Commands

Command Possible Values Description
/visibility config presetload <preset> Preset label Loads a saved preset
/visibility config presetsave <preset> Preset label Saves current filter list as a preset
/visibility config presetdelete <preset> Preset label Deletes a saved preset
/visibility config print None Displays current config
/visibility config reset None Resets settings to default  You will lose everything including preset lists, and your settings

Appearance Settings

Command Possible Values Description
/visibility config main-color <color> BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN, DARK_AQUA, DARK_RED, DARK_PURPLE, GOLD, GRAY, DARK_GRAY, BLUE, GREEN, AQUA, RED, LIGHT_PURPLE, YELLOW, WHITE Sets the main message's color
/visibility config message-type <type> ACTION_BAR, CHAT_MESSAGE, HIDDEN Chooses where visibility messages appear

Visibility Filters

Command Possible Values Description
/visibility config filter-type <type> BLACKLIST, WHITELIST Chooses filtering mode
/visibility config hide-self <bool> true, false Hides yourself
/visibility config hide-players <bool> true, false Hides other players
/visibility config hide-shadows <bool> true, false Hides entity shadows
/visibility config hide-entities <bool> true, false Hides all entities
/visibility config hide-hitboxes <bool> true, false Hides entity hitboxes
/visibility config hide-fire <bool> true, false Hides fire effects
/visibility config hide-nametags <bool> true, false Hides entity nametags

Comfort Settings

Command Possible Values Description
/visibility config comfort-zone <bool> true, false Toggles the comfort zone feature, which gradually hides players at a distance
/visibility config comfort-distance <number> Any decimal number The distance at which players start becoming less visible
/visibility config comfort-falloff <number> Any decimal number The number of blocks over which players fade from visible to fully transparent