Graph data showing relationships between entities in the cyber-political landscape
- "name.full" (string) full name of entity
- "name.short" (string) most common shortening of entity's name
- "name.synonym" (string) alternative names the entity might be known under
- "description" (string)
- "url" (string) their main website
- "tasks" (string) list of tasks assigned to the entity
- "level" (string) municipal, county, state, federation, transnational, international
- "org" (string) none, bureau, agency, military, company, association
- "jurisdiction" (string) what (country's?) laws does the entity abide to?
- "" (long) how many are working there?
- "employees.cyber" (long) how many are working on cyber/IT topics?
- "employees.overhead" (long) how many are there just to keep the show running?
- "founded" (string) ISO-date the entity was founded
- "budget" (long" latest known funding in EUR equivalents
- "publication" (string) list of publication type and recurrence. TODO: define separate type for this?
- "" (string) fachaufsicht
- "" (string) rechtsaufsicht
- "directs" (string) weisungsbefugnis ggü...
- "member" (string) mitglied in/bei...
- "shareholder" (float) gesellschafter von... / data: [0,0 1,0] relative number of shares controlled
- "complements" (string) ergänzt...
- "communicate" (string) tauscht sich aus mit...
- "provides" (string) stellt (zb. präsidenten, ...)...
- "finances" (string) finanziert...
- "educates" (string) bildet aus...
- "cooperates" (string) kooperiert...
- "operates" (string) betreibt...