Note: An additional restart is required in this version after migrations have run, to initialize the scrapers properly.
- c7fe17f: feat: Additional stash match rules (#1886) (@toshski)
- 401c19e: feat: Allow Stash Scraping via new flag rather than Enabled (#1887) (@toshski)
- 1bcff55: feat: Implement Heresphere needsMediaSource flag (#1890) (@toshski)
- 8137aee: feat: Manually link Scenes and Actors to Stashdb (#1888) (@toshski)
- 505172b: feat: Restore bundles from URL (#1892) (@toshski)
- dc0260f: feat: detect alpha passthrough from filename (#1900) (@Alderamin49ly)
- 9711d20: scraper: add StashDB scraper (#1894) (@toshski)
- 0aae3b1: scraper: Add RealVR Scraper (#1899) (@pops64)
- e98f7fe: scraper: Fix KinkVR scraper (#1875) (@pops64)
- 1a33282: scraper: Fix for VRSpy Titles not being scraped (#1883) (@pops64)
- 0b36eac: scraper: Fix javdatabase scrape issues for actors (#1898) (@gaarder)
- 4fe225b: scraper: Fix sort order for POVR scrapers (#1914) (@crwxaj)
- cf51ef2: scraper: Rebuild of Reality Lovers (#1864) (@pops64)
- f7540a4: scraper: fix broken site icons for FuckPassVR and SexBabesVR (#1877) (@pops64)