JConfig is a utility class that provides functionality for managing application settings using Properties.
- It supports saving and loading settings to/from a file.
- Encryption and decryption of sensitive data for specific keys-values (Only for String values).
- Data types as
Strings, long, float, double, int , boolean
as key values. - Read and copy
files from resources and any location.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Specify the file path for the configuration file
String filePath = "config.properties";
// Create an instance of JConfig with the specified file path
//Specify key if there is encrypted data in the properties file
JConfig config = new JConfig(filePath,null);
try {
// Load properties from a resource file
InputStream inputStream = Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/config2.properties");
config.copyFromResource(inputStream, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Get properties
String appName = config.get("app.name");
String appVersion = config.get("app.version");
String appAuthor = config.get("app.author");
int timeout = config.getInteger("app.timeout");
boolean debugMode = config.getBoolean("app.debug");
// Print the retrieved properties
System.out.println("App Name: " + appName);
System.out.println("App Version: " + appVersion);
System.out.println("App Author: " + appAuthor);
System.out.println("Timeout: " + timeout);
System.out.println("Debug Mode: " + debugMode);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Specify the file path for the configuration file
String filePath = "config.properties";
// Encryption key for password
String encryptionKey = "MyKey";
// Create an instance of JConfig with the specified file path and encryption key
JConfig config = new JConfig(filePath, encryptionKey);
// Set properties
config.set("database.url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb");
config.set("database.username", "admin");
config.setEncrypted("database.password", "password");
config.setInteger("app.timeout", 30);
config.setBoolean("app.debug", true);
// Get properties
String dbUrl = config.get("database.url");
String dbUsername = config.get("database.username");
String dbPassword = config.getDecrypted("database.password");
int timeout = config.getInteger("app.timeout");
boolean debugMode = config.getBoolean("app.debug");
// Print the retrieved properties
System.out.println("Database URL: " + dbUrl);
System.out.println("Database Username: " + dbUsername);
System.out.println("Database Password: " + dbPassword);
System.out.println("Timeout: " + timeout);
System.out.println("Debug Mode: " + debugMode);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Specify the file path for the configuration file
String filePath = "config2.properties";
// Create an instance of JConfig with the specified file path
JConfig config = new JConfig(filePath,null);
// Set properties
config.set("app.name", "MyApp");
config.set("app.version", "1.0.0");
config.set("app.author", "John Doe");
config.setInteger("app.timeout", 30);
config.setBoolean("app.debug", true);
// Get properties
String appName = config.get("app.name");
String appVersion = config.get("app.version");
String appAuthor = config.get("app.author");
int timeout = config.getInteger("app.timeout");
boolean debugMode = config.getBoolean("app.debug");
// Print the retrieved properties
System.out.println("App Name: " + appName);
System.out.println("App Version: " + appVersion);
System.out.println("App Author: " + appAuthor);
System.out.println("Timeout: " + timeout);
System.out.println("Debug Mode: " + debugMode);
public class Main extends Application {
//Declare the Jconfig
public static final JConfig JCONFIG;
//Initialize the Jconfig
static {
String folder=".app-folder-name-at-uer-dir";
String CONFIG_PATH=String.format(
//Create the folder to store the settings
//Initialize, pass a key if you want encryption for some String values
JCONFIG=new JConfig(CONFIG_PATH,null);
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException {
//Test by printing some setting values
//If encrypted values , use this method. ONLY FOR Strings
System.out.println(JCONFIG.getDecrypted("encrypted.key")); //For encrypted value
//Show Stage,etc
public void init() throws Exception {
* Initialize all
public static synchronized void initializeSettings() throws IOException {
final String dataFolder="Folder name"; //Root Folder to save Application data like db, reports, etc
final String reportsFolder="Reports"; //Reports subfolder
final String dbFolder="Local Db"; // Local Db subfolder
//Declare and create the root Folder
final String dataFolderPath= JPlatform.getDocumentsDir()+dataFolder+JPlatform.getDirSeparator();
//Declare and create the sub-dirs
final String reportsDir=dataFolderPath+reportsFolder+JPlatform.getDirSeparator();
final String dbDir=dataFolderPath+dbFolder+JPlatform.getDirSeparator();
//Add all those folders to the settings if they are not already set
if (!JCONFIG.isSet("app.main.dir")) {
JCONFIG.set("app.main.dir", dataFolderPath);
if (!JCONFIG.isSet("app.reports.dir")) {
JCONFIG.set("app.reports.dir", reportsDir);
if (!JCONFIG.isSet("app.local.db.dir")) {
JCONFIG.set("app.local.db.dir", dbDir);
* Copy the rest of the settings from the default properties. Since we already have props at this point, we just copy
* the key-values that we don't have, by passing false to the refresh param
* Loads the properties input stream from the specified location inside the resources folder
public static InputStream loadStream(String location){
return Main.class.getResourceAsStream(location);
If there is any issue or recommendation, please create issue or pull request. Enjoy