[Note: This fork is no longer actively maintained as of October 2014.]
This is a fork from the original ScalaBuff project with some changes.
Excerpt from the original README.md,
"ScalaBuff is a Scala Protocol Buffers (protobuf) compiler. It takes .proto files and outputs valid Scala classes that can be used by your code to receive or send protobuf messages."
For details, please check the original ScalaBuff site.
These are main changes in the master branch of this fork:
- Fixed issue#85 When importing a proto with a package statement ScalaBuff generates incorrect Scala code.
- Fixed issue#92 Missing support for "import public" notion in ScalaBuff.
- Changed to use scala 2.11.x version.
- Removed backticks that wrap around generated words when they are neither Scala nor Java keywords.
- One hacky change: changed EnumVal type from Trait to case class so that Jackson JSON can serialize enum values properly.