An RPM spec file to create a "skinny" Tomcat 8 RPM. This is a very opinionated Tomcat RPM meant to be used in so-called "production" deployments.
- It removes all webapps: docs, examples, manager, host-manager, and ROOT.
- It removes logging configurations for console, manager, and host-manager.
- It depends on Oracle JRE 7+ (not JDK, not even OpenJDK).
- It moves installation base (from /opt/tomcat) to /usr/lib/tomcat.
- It places webapps, temp, and work under /var/lib/tomcat (with links from /usr/lib/tomcat).
sudo yum -y install rpmdevtools && rpmdev-setuptree
git clone
ln -s ./skinny-tomcat-rpm ~/rpmbuild
cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES && wget
rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/tomcat.spec