Machine learning 评估 方差(variance)、标准差(Standard Deviation)、均方差、均方根值(RMS)、均方误差(MSE)、均方根误差(RMSE) basic concept raining, validation, and test sets PCA PCA介绍 PCA numpy推导 raman光谱的PCA应用 SVM Decision tree 代码推导 Emsemble skearn.emsemble的调用 deep_learning_notes 基本概念 数据表示 神经网络视频教程 the backpropagation algorithm stochastic gradient descent activation funciton Sigmoid ReLU why not used Sigmoid in NN sklearn keras nlp_learning_notes one-hot编码处理单词,字符 bilstm 处理恶意评论 Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learning & TensorFlow chapter 1-The Machine Learning landscape Chapter 2 -end-to-end_housing.ipynb Chapter 3-classification.ipynb