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Neat and Fast Julia Package for Symbolic Computation.


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Neat and Fast Julia Package for Symbolic Computation.

YAN.jl is a julia package for construction and AST transformation on symbolic mathematical expressions. YAN is named for Chinese character 「演」, which means transformation, corresponding to AST transformation of math expression, and Chinese character 「衍」, which means infinity (和之以天倪,因之以曼衍 —— 「庄子·齐物论」), corresponding to the infinite capability of the symbolic expressions.


Bare package YAN DO NOT register any pre-defined operators for flexibility, which means you can use it to construct basic algebraic structure which is even not a ring or or module. Complicated relations such as non-commutative algebras can also be constructed.

But for most-people usage, basic arithmetic operations as well as symbolic linear algebra functions is recommonded to be registered, maintained in UNARY_OP_SET and BINARY_OP_SET

using YAN

# (for most people) run below immediately once `YAN` is used
initialize_global_method_table_for_pre_defined_op!() # all pre-defined operators in `UNARY_OP_SET` and `BINARY_OP_SET` are defined for MathExpr

Variable Claim (with Optional Type Annotations)

struct my_datatype{T} end # user-defined datatype (see below)

# Variable Claim (with Optional Type Annotations)
@vars x y::Int64 z::my_datatype

@assert symtype(x) == Float64 # without type annotation `DEFAULT_SYM_DATATYPE` is assigned for variables, which is `Float64` by defaut
@assert symtype(y) == Int64
@assert symtype(z) isa my_datatype

Substitution and Evaluation

Substitution is not lazy by default. But it can be literal, i.e. lazy without any evaluation, even for numerical parts like 1 * 2.

# scalar substitution to symbolic expression
ex = sin(x) * y / (exp(im * z) + 1)^x
@test subs(ex, Dict(x => y, y => z, z => x)) == sin(y) * z / (exp(im * x) + 1)^y

# scalar substitution to numerical result (with evaluation)
ex = x^x
@test subs(ex, Dict(x => 0); lazy=true) |> evaluate == 1

# array substitution to symbolic expression
ex = [sin(x) 1-cos(y); x^tan(z) 2*x]
@test subs.(ex, Ref(Dict(1 => x, x => y, y => z, z => x))) == [sin(y) x-cos(z); y^tan(x) 2*y] # Note: even 1 is replaced!

# array substitution to numerical result (with evaluation)
ex = [x x+1; x^2 1//x]
@test subs.(ex, Ref(Dict(x => 2))) .|> evaluate == [2 3; 4 1//2]


Symbolic substituion and evaluation on huge 100*100 matrix of form $A_{ij}=\sin(ix+jy)$ and of assignment $x=1, y=2$

using YAN, BenchmarkTools

@btime begin
    YAN.@vars x y
    test_array = Matrix{YAN.MathExpr}(undef, 100, 100)
    for i in 1:100, j in 1:100
        test_array[i, j] = sin(i * x + j * y)
    ex = YAN.subs.(test_array, Ref(Dict(x => 1, y => 2)); lazy=false)

finishes in 27.643 ms (590128 allocations: 20.14 MiB) in a single thread of 13th Gen Intel i7-1365U on my laptop.

Pre-defined Operators

The operator set can be changed with user-defined operators through method register_op(::Symbol)

const UNARY_OP_SET = Set{Symbol}([
    # numeric type constructors
    # <: AbstractFloat
    # <: Integer
    # <: Complex (and :adjoint is defined)

    # arithmetic functions
    # trigonometric functions
    # linear algebra functions (require `using LinearAlgebra`)

    # reserved key words

const BINARY_OP_SET = Set{Symbol}([
    # # boolean function
    # :(==),
    # arithmetic functions
    # other functions

Registration of User-defined Operators (todo!)

function my_func(x)

register_op(:my_func) # register to `UNARY_OP_SET`
@assert :my_func in UNARY_OP_SET

# todo for for symbols that are not defined yet


  1. add registration of undefined functions
  2. add hold and release_hold like Mathematica
  3. add support for simplication rules


Neat and Fast Julia Package for Symbolic Computation.







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