A DNS Server with an Web UI and using Redis a configuration store. Read further for Docker instructions.
brew install redis
sudo npm install -g dns
/usr/local/opt/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf >& /tmp/redis.log &
sudo dns >& /tmp/dns.log &
open http://localhost:8053
REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR (default:
REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT (default: 6379)
DNSPORT (default: 53 <- require root privilege to run)
DNSZONE (default: local.dev)
DNSTTL (default: 3600 <- one hour)
DNSPREFIX (default: "dns:" <- key prefix in redis)
DNSPRIMARY (default:
DNSTIMEOUT (default: 1000 <- 1 second)
* GET /dns/api/v1/name
List all host to ip address mapping
* GET /dns/api/v1/name/{host}
Return the ip address of only that host
* PUT /dns/api/v1/name/{host}
Create or Modify the ip address for "host"
* DELETE /dns/api/v1/name/{host}
Remove the host from the DNS
* DELETE /dns/api/v1/name?force=true
Remove all host from the DNS
* GET /dns/api/v1/zone
Return the DNS ZONE
* GET /dns/api/v1/status
Return the DNS status
Single host
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"ipv4":[""], "ipv6":["2605:f8b0:4006:802:0:0:0:1010"]}' http://localhost:8053/dns/api/v1/name/database.domain.com
Multiple hosts
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"ipv4":["",""], "ipv6":["2605:f8b0:4006:802:0:0:0:1010","2605:f8b0:4006:802:0:0:0:1011"]}' http://localhost:8053/dns/api/v1/name/database.domain.com
curl http://localhost:8053/dns/api/v1/name/database.domain.com
dig @ database.domain.com
dig @ database.domain.com AAAA
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8053/dns/api/v1/name/database.domain.com
You will need to clear your redis configuration before running the new version.
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8053/dns/api/v1/name\?force\=true
for key in `echo 'KEYS dns*' | redis-cli | awk '{print $1}'` ; do echo DEL $key ; done | redis-cli
This DNS server is able to run as a docker container. To build the container,
run a command similar to the following (htdns
is a shorthand for HTTP/DNS):
docker build -t efrecon/htdns .
To run, once you have your image, issue something similar to the following command:
docker run -it --rm -p 8053:8053 -p 53:53 --name=dns -e DNSTTL=1800 efrecon/htdns --level=debug
Note how the command above maps port 53
, which requires root privileges and
also how it passes further the DNSTTL
environment variable (one of the
optional variables documented above) and passes command-line arguments to the
DNS server (in this case, putting it in debug
mode). The implementation
currently runs redis
as a daemon before starting up the node-based DNS server.
This is for the sake of simplicity, but breaks the principle that there should
only be one container running in a container.