"The ratio of time spent reading [code] versus writing is well over 10 to 1 [therefore] making it easy to read makes it easier to write." - Robert C. Martin
#Is your Android code easy to write, read, and maintain?
@EActivity(R.layout.translate) // Sets content view to R.layout.translate
public class TranslateActivity extends Activity {
@ViewById // Injects R.id.textInput
EditText textInput;
@ViewById(R.id.myTextView) // Injects R.id.myTextView
TextView result;
@AnimationRes // Injects android.R.anim.fade_in
Animation fadeIn;
@Click // When R.id.doTranslate button is clicked
void doTranslate() {
@Background // Executed in a background thread
void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) {
String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(textToTranslate);
@UiThread // Executed in the ui thread
void showResult(String translatedText) {
// [...]
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