- Change from ArduinoIDE to PlatformIO project
The repository for the core firmware that comes preloaded on every Spencer.
Spencer is a DIY voice assistant that talks, lights-up, connects to the internet, and understands simple voice commands. You can learn more here.
Spencer is also a part of CircuitMess STEM Box - a series of fun electronic kits to help children and adults understand the basics of technologies everybody's talking about.
The firmware is based on the Spencer Library. It is, along other required libraries, automatically installed when you install the CircuitMess ESP32 Arduino platform. More info on CircuitMess/Arduino-Packages.
Simply open Spencer.ino using Arduino IDE, set the board to Spencer, and compile.
To compile and upload you need to have CMake and arduino-cli installed. You also need to have both of them registered in the PATH.
In the CMakeLists.txt file change the port to your desired COM port (default is /dev/ttyUSB0):
set(PORT /dev/ttyUSB0)
Then in the root directory of the repository type:
mkdir cmake
cd cmake
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target CMBuild
This will compile the binaries, and place the .bin and .elf files in the build/ directory located in the root of the repository.
To compile the binary, and upload it according to the port set in CMakeLists.txt, run
cmake --build . --target CMBuild
in the cmake directory.
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Copyright © 2021 CircuitMess
Licensed under GPLv3 License.