Code Archive to reproduce all results in the paper
The simulation is split in two parts. In a first step the data is generated and in a second step the original models are recovered with the 5 methods. This results in 100 .RDS-files (one for each iteration) and 100 .RDS-files containing the estimates of the 5 methods.
These R-files allow to run a single iteration:
- VarSim_data.R generates data for one iteration (outputs a .RDS-data file)
- VarSim_est.R takes the RDS.-data file from VarSim_data.R as input and estimates the model with all 5 methods on the data; outputs a .RDS-file containing a list with all estimates
- VarSim_aux.R Functions used in VarSim_data.R to generate time-varying VAR models and sample observations from them
- VarSim_aux_Laura.R Functions used in VarSim_est.R to estimate VAR models with the GLM method
- VarSim_aux_tvvarGAM.R Functions to used in VARsim_est.R to estimate time-varying VAR models with the spline-smoothing method
The batch-files were used to run the 100 iterations in parallel on the UvA LISA supercomputer. All these scripts do is to call both VarSim_data.R and VarSim_est.R with a different iteration. The iteration number is used as a random seed and hence any setup (even locally) that does that replicates our simulation results exactly.
- batch script sent to each node to generate data
- batch script to submit to 100 nodes with iteration (seeds) 1:100
- batch script sent to each node to estimate models
- batch script to submit to 100 nodes with iteration (seeds) 1:100
The size of the 2 x 100 output files is 21GB and is therefore not included in this archive.
The R-file VarSim_eval.R contains the code to reproduce all figures reported in the paper from the 100 data files and 100 estimation files obtained from the above simulation files.
Similarly to Simulation 1, the simulation is split in data generation and estimation. In Simulation 2 much less data is generated and we therefore we generated data with the file VS_UT_data.R locally. The output of this R-file are 100 .RDS-data files similarly to Simulation 1.
The estimation is done in parallel in the same way as in Simulation 1:
- VS_UT_est.R takes the 100 .RDS-data files as input, estimates the models and outputs 100 .RDS output files
- is the batch script sent to each of the 100 nodes
- is the batch script used to send to 100 nodes with iteration (seeds) 1:100
- VS_UT_aux.R contains functions called by VS_UT_data.R
- VarSim_aux_Laura.R is the same file as described in Simulation 1
- VarSim_aux_tvvarGAM.R is the same file as described in Simulation 1
The size of the 2*100 output files is 5.3GB and is therefore not included in this archive.
The code in VS_UT_eval.R preprocesses the 100 output files and reproduces Figure 9 in the paper.
- tutorial_mgm.R contains the code (shown in the paper) to estimate a time-varying VAR model with the KS(L1) method, plus the code to reproduce Figure 10
- tutorial_tvvarGAM.R contains the code (shown in the paper) to estimate a time-varying VAR model with the GAM(st) method, plus the code to reproduce Figure 15
This folder contains R-code to reproduce all illustration figures except Figure 4. Figure 4 requires input from data files and is therefore contained in the R-file VarSim_eval.R (Simulation 1 folder).
- IF_Figure1_Intro.R code for Figure 1
- IF_Figure2_GAM.R code for Figure 2
- IF_Figure3_KS.R code for Figure 3
- IF_Figure9_Simulation2.R code for Figure 8