The project was created as part of FI MUNI course PA165 Enterprise applications in java The project has Angular on the front-end with back-end REST API.
Detailed description of project available on wiki here.
In order to run the app in the base directory run mvn clean install && cd rocket-mission-manager/ && mvn
To log-in into the application-UI use
- for simple user email: [email protected] password: tralala123
- for manager email: [email protected] password: bosspassword
When the app is run it uses in-memory database therefore if you restart it you lose all your data be carefull :)
REST API available at http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/
UI of the App available at http://localhost:8080/pa165
The CURL commands for the tessting of rest are available in curl_commands.txt
Class diagram can be see in class_diagram.png
Use case diagram can be see in Use Case Diagram.png
The Swagger documentation of REST API is available at http://localhost:8080/pa165/swagger-ui.html#/
Modules of the app are:
- rocket-mission-angular -> UI of the app
- rocket-mission-api -> API layer of the app
- rocket-mission-manager -> Main module
- rocket-mission-persistence -> persistance layer with in-memory DB
- rocket-mission-rest -> REST interface of the app
- rocket-mission-sample-data -> sample data that are loaded each time when the app is started into the DB passwords+usernames here
- rocket-mission-service -> service layer of the app