A FREE Open Source (MIT LICENSE) project to create the ultimate school management web-based application for high schools in Kenya. I t was started by a team of ameatures in the city of Mombasa as service to the schools in the local community. The date of the first commit is the officialy when this project kicks off. First, it will be closed till beta release. Then it will be shared with the rest of the tech community in the country.
###shuleSystem makesuse of the following projects:
- Bootstrap is copyright Twitter inc., and licenced under MIT License
- Bootstrap 3 admin Template by KimLabs we have two private channels
- jQuery copyright jQuery Foundation and MIT Licensed
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 Others will be added as the project matures
Project will be maintained and sponsored by lulTech LLC through the shuleSytem name.