This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
# [2.1.0](v2.0.0...v2.1.0) (2019-08-25) ### Bug Fixes * **404:** fix 404 page to redirect to home ([b59f7d9](b59f7d9)) * **api:** Project Module: using kubeview service account to enable k8s queries ([dfcca18](dfcca18)) * **api:** testing a fix for NotificationService.send() ([3ce2827](3ce2827)) * **build:** fix -E HUSKY_USE_YARN ([3f55590](3f55590)) * **core:** fix husky hooks ([d94e514](d94e514)) * **deps:** update angular monorepo ([28a5904](28a5904)) * **deps:** update angular monorepo ([63b3a54](63b3a54)) * **deps:** update angular monorepo to >=8.2.3 ([6b1e276](6b1e276)) * **deps:** update angularcli monorepo ([8e54471](8e54471)) * **deps:** update angularcli monorepo ([0da303a](0da303a)) * **deps:** update angularcli monorepo ([775360b](775360b)) * **deps:** update angularmaterial monorepo to >=8.1.3 ([e8d06b4](e8d06b4)) * **deps:** update dependency @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome to ^0.5.0 ([6a5c7f5](6a5c7f5)) * **deps:** update nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged docker tag to v1.17.2 ([ab7e050](ab7e050)) * **notifications:** fix notifications delete and make-all-as-read commands ([fc3e683](fc3e683)) * **styles:** fix scss imports issues with latest sass-loader ([0050e9d](0050e9d)) ### Features * **api:** added rest-client tests for VS Code ([521ddc3](521ddc3)) * **api:** adding jetbrain rest/http client testing tool ([15ef31d](15ef31d)) * **api:** API DOCKER: ADD TINI FOR SIGNAL HANDLING ([456397d](456397d)) * **api:** enhanced search options for projects ([f34a3bf](f34a3bf)) * **api:** experimenting with @nestjs/cqrs ([c2b69f4](c2b69f4)) * **api:** merged e2e projects into parent project ([195ef66](195ef66)) * **api:** now using built-in ParseUUIDPipe ([4710cbb](4710cbb)) * **api:** refactored to share more code between frontend and backend ([ddb088d](ddb088d)) * **api:** renamed drawio file ([be48be6](be48be6)) * **api:** trying typeorm's value transformers ([65bfdce](65bfdce)) * **auth:** switching back to angular-oauth2-oidc ([14e7f17](14e7f17)) * **auth:** switching OpenID Connect provider to Google ([e5d052a](e5d052a)) * **auth:** switching OpenID Connect provider to Google for API ([eff9ad5](eff9ad5)) * **core:** adding AppConfigService to support remote dynamic config ([fc82a8e](fc82a8e)) * **core:** adding custom rxjs operator retryWithBackoff ([37dffcf](37dffcf)) * **core:** prepare for differential-loading ([6353e4b](6353e4b)) * **deploy:** added OpenShift4 deployment files ([bca7f73](bca7f73)) * **deploy:** using google's distroless base image for node apps ([7f53ed7](7f53ed7)) * **deploy:** using Helm for API deployment ([92add74](92add74)) * **image-comparison:** converted image-comparison js-->ts ([8c285e1](8c285e1)), closes [#121](#121) * **tools:** lib update ([4bb35b3](4bb35b3)) * **utils:** adding new operator 'toClass' ([9d12f8d](9d12f8d)) * **vscode:** fix VS Code settings ([1ba568c](1ba568c)) * **webapp:** added helm chart for angular webapp deployment ([a87dd79](a87dd79))
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