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1. Connecting to AWS 2. Makefile Flow 3. GUI Flow 4. Optimization Lab 5. Using the RTL Kernel Wizard 6. Hardware/ Software Debugging

Hardware/Software Debugging


This lab is a continuation of the previous (RTL-Kernel Wizard Lab) lab. You will add ChipScope cores to monitor the activities taking place at the kernel interface level and perform software debugging using SDx debug capabilities.


After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Add ChipScope cores at the kernel interface level
  • Debug software application
  • Verify functionality in hardware on F1


Please refer to the Appendix-II if you either want to run the lab in the command line mode or want to run the lab on your personally created instance (i.e. non-xilinx instance)

Open an SDAccel Project

  1. Change to the working directory where the precompiled project is provided:
       cd /home/centos/sources/debug_lab
  2. Since we will be executing application in System configuration mode, we need to start the SDx program with su. Execute the following commands to launch sdx
       sudo sh
       export XILINX_SDX="/opt/Xilinx/SDx/2018.2.op2258646"
       source $XILINX_SDX/
       source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
  3. An Eclipse launcher window will appear asking you to select a directory as workspace. Click on the Browse… button, browse to /home/centos/sources/debug_lab, click OK twice

Hardware Debugging

Review the Appendix-I section to understand how to add the ChipScope Debug bridge core. It is already added in the precompiled design

Run the application

  1. From the Run menu, select Run Configurations
  2. Make sure that the Arguments tab shows ../binary_container_1.xclbin entry
  3. Make sure that the Environment tab shows /opt/xilinx/xrt/lib in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH field
  4. Click Run The host application will start executing, loading bitstream, and pausing for the user input as coded on line 246

    Paused execution

Start Vivado Hardware Manager

  1. In another terminal window, start a virtual jtag connection using following two commands. The Virtual JTAG XVC Server will start listening to TCP port 10201
       source $XILINX_SDX/
       sudo fpga-start-virtual-jtag -P 10201 -S 0

    Starting Virtual JTAG

  2. Start Vivado from another terminal window from the debug_lab directory
       cd /home/centos/sources/debug_lab
  3. Click on Open Hardware Manager link
  4. Click Open Target > Open New Target
  5. Click Next
  6. Click Next keeping default Local Server option
  7. Click on the Add Xilinx Virtual Cable (XVC) button
  8. Enter localhost in the Host name and 10201 in the Port fields, and click OK

    Adding Virtual JTAG cable

    The Open New Hardware Target form with scanned debug_bridge will appear

    Scanned debug bridge

  9. Click Next and then Finish
    The Vivado Hardware Manager will open showing Hardware, Waveform, Settings-hw, Trigger-Setup windows. The Hardware window also shows two ILA cores inserted in the design

    Hardware Manager

  10. In the Hardware Device Properties view, click on the browse button beside Probes file, browse to /home/centos/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/System , select top_sp.ltx entry and click OK
    Notice four (Slot_0 to Slot_3) probes are filled in the Waveform window
  11. Click on the Run Trigger immediate button and observe the waveform window is filled indicating the four channels are in Inactive state

    Forced triggered waveform window

  12. Expand slot_1 : KVAdd_1_m01_axi : W Channel in the Waveform window, select the WVALID signal and drag it to the Trigger Setup - hw window

    Adding a probe in the Trigger Setup window

  13. Click on drop-down button of the Value field and select trigger condition value as 1

    Setting trigger condition

  14. Click on the Run trigger button and observe the hw_ila_1 probe is waiting for the trigger condition to occur

    Waiting for the trigger condition to occur

  15. Switch to the SDx window and hit Enter key in the Console window for the program to continue execution
    Observe that the program finishes execution displaying INFO: Test completed successfully message in the Console window
  16. Switch back to Vivado and observed that since the trigger condition is met, the waveform window is displaying activities

    Triggered waveform

  17. Expand Slot_0, slot_1, and slot_2 groups, zoom in region of about 450 to 1000, and observe the data transfer taking place on each channels. Also note the addresses from where data are read and results are written into

    Zoomed view showing various activities

  18. Zoom in on one of the data beats and hover your mouse at each successive samples and notice the data content changing
  19. Close Vivado by selecting File > Exit
  20. Close the jtag probe by switching to its terminal window and pressing Ctrl-C

Perform Software Debugging

  1. Switch to the SDx GUI
  2. Comment out lines 246 and 247
  3. Save the file by typing Ctrl-S
  4. In the Assistant tab, right-click on System > Debug and select Debug Configuration
  5. Make sure that the Arguments tab shows ../binary_container_1.xclbin entry
  6. Make sure that the Environment tab shows /opt/xilinx/xrt/lib in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH field
  7. Click Debug
    The host application will compile since we have modified it and a window will pop-up asking to switch to Debug perspective
  8. Click Yes
    The program will be downloaded and execution will begin, halting at main() entry point
  9. In the main.c view scroll down to line 280 and double-click on the left border to set a breakpoint
    At this point, three buffers would have been created

    Setting a breakpoint

  10. Click on the Resume button or press F8
    The execution will resume and stop at the breakpoint
    At this point you can go to various tabs and see the contents in the current scope
    SDx debug allows command queues and memory buffers to be examined as the program execution progresses
  11. Click on the Step Over button or press F6
    The execution will progress one statement at a time
  12. Continue pressing F6 until you reach line number 344 at which point kernel would have finished execution
  13. Select the Memory Buffers tab
    Notice that three buffers are allocated, their IDs, DDR memory address, and sizes

    Memory buffers allocated

  14. Select the Command Queue tab and notice that there no commands enqued. Lines 344-348 creates commands to read the data and results

    Setting a breakpoint

  15. Press F6 to execute clEnqueueReadBuffer command to create a read buffer command for reading operand d_A
    Notice the Command Queue tab shows one command submitted

    Setting a breakpoint

  16. Press F6 to execute clEnqueueReadBuffer command for reading operand d_B
    Notice the Command Queue tab shows two commands submitted

    Setting a breakpoint

  17. Set a breakpoint at line 397 and press F8 to resume the execution
    Notice that the Command Queue tab still shows entries
  18. Press F6 to execute clReleaseKernel command
    Notice the Memory Buffers tab is empty as all memories are released
  19. Click F8 to complete the execution
  20. Close the SDx program


In this lab, you used ChipScope Debug bridge and cores to perform hardware debugging. You also performed software debugging using SDx debug perspective.


Steps to Add ChipScope Debug core

  1. In the Assistant tab, expand System > binary_container_1 > KVadd
  2. Select KVAdd, right-click and select Settings...
  3. In the Hardware Function Settings window, click on the ChipScope Debug option for the KVAdd kernel

    Adding ChipScope Debug module

  4. Click Apply and OK
  5. In the Project Explorer tab, expand src > sdx_rtl_kernel > KVAdd and double-click on the main.c to open it in the editor window
  6. Go to line 246 and enter the following lines of code which will pause the host software execution after creating kernel but before allocating buffer
       printf("\nPress ENTER to continue after setting up ILA trigger...");

    Modifying code to stop its execution before kernel is executed to start Vivado Hardware manager


Copy the necessary files from the sources directory perform hardware debugging

  1. Execute the following commands to setup the environments
       cd ~/aws-fpga/
       source $XILINX_SDX/
  2. Create a working directory and copy the necessary files
       mkdir debug_lab
       cd debug_lab/
       mkdir rundir
       cp ~/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/System/rtl_kernel_example.exe rundir/.
       cp  ~/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/xclbin/binary_container_1.awsxclbin rundir/.
       cp ~/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/System/sdaccel.ini rundir/.
       cp ~/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/System/top_sp.ltx .
       cp -R ~/sources/debug_lab/rtl_kernel_example/src .
  3. Change to the rundir, execute the application in debug mode using the following commands
       cd rundir
       sudo sh
       source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
       /opt/Xilinx/SDx/2018.2.op2258646/bin/xgdb --args rtl_kernel_example.exe binary_container_1.awsxclbin
  4. At the GDB command line prompt, set a breakpoint at the main program entry, and run the application by executing the following commands
       break main

The program will run up to the main() function entry point

  1. Set another breakpoint at line 280 and then continue executing the program
       break 280

The program will execute and wait for you to hit the Enter key. At this stage, you can follow hardware debugging as listed in the Start Vivado Hardware Manager section. Note the path to the probes file is /home/centos/aws-fpga/debug_lab/

Perform software debugging from the command line

  1. Perform all the steps except the setting up of the hardware manager, if already not done, listed in the previous section
  2. When line 280 breakpoint is encountered, enter the following commands to see the command queues and the memory buffers
       xprint queue
       xprint mem

Notice that both queue and memory buffers are empty
At this stage you can enter next to execute one statement at a time and/or continue to execute until the next breakpoint is encountered or the program executes the exit() function
You can set breakpoints where desired
You can execute list to show about 10 lines of source code

  1. Enter following commands to step over two steps and set a breapoint at 344
       break 344
       xprint mem
       xprint queue

Notice that three memory buffers are allocated but commands queue is empty

  1. Enter following commands to set a next breakpoint, continue to the breakpoint, execute two statements, examine command queues and memory buffers
       break 397
       xprint mem
       xprint queue
  2. Execute next and xprint mem. Notice memory buffers are empty
  3. Execute continue to execute till the end
  4. Type quit to exit the GDB