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Pretty simple and performance koa session middleware using immutability


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Pretty simple and performance session middleware for koa using immutability.


$ npm install koa-imsession


Set session (e.g. login)

ctx.session = { id: 1, state: 'pending' }

Update session

Session data is immutable. Set the session to a new object.

const oldSession = ctx.session
ctx.session = { ...oldSession, state: 'activated' }

Destroy session (e.g. logout)

ctx.session = false // the `Set-Cookie` header will be sent to remove the cookie

Manually regenerate session ID (e.g. renew session)

ctx.session = true // a new session ID is generated and the existing session data is preserved

For session auto-renewal see Redis session store and session auto-renewal.


View counter

import { imsession } from 'koa-imsession'
import Koa from 'koa'

const app = new Koa()

 * All options are optional, except the `store` MUST be set to a custom store
 * (eg. Redis) on production.
const options = {
  name: 'connsid',     // the name of the session ID cookie, default value is `connsid`
  // idResolver,       // session ID resolver which gets/sets/generates the session ID
  // store,            // session store, default value is a `MemoryStore` instance for development
  cookie: {            // cookie options, see
    maxAge: 86400_000, // default value is 1 day


app.use(ctx => {
  const views = ctx.session?.views ?? 0
  ctx.session = { views: views + 1 } // immutable object
  ctx.body = 'views: ' + ctx.session.views


Redis session store and session auto-renewal

The builtin MemoryStore is used by default for development and testing purpose only. A custom session store must be set on production environment.

import type { SessionStore, SessionData } from 'koa-imsession'
import { TTL_MS } from 'koa-imsession'
import redis from './redis.js' //

 * A Redis session store.
export class RedisSessionStore<T extends SessionData> implements SessionStore<T> {
   * Returns session data and TTL_MS.
  async get(sessionId: string): Promise<T | undefined> {
    const tx = redis.multi()
    tx.get(sessionId) // value
    tx.ttl(sessionId) // ttl in seconds
    const results = await tx.exec()
    if (!results) return

    const [[, value], [, ttl]] = results
    if (!value) return

    const sessionData = JSON.parse(value as string)
    if (ttl as number > 0) {
      // AUTO RENEWAL happens here!!!

      // Set the `TTL_MS` symbol property, koa-imsession will check whether it
      // is less than cookie's `maxAge/3`, if true the session will be renewed
      // automatically.
      sessionData[TTL_MS] = (ttl as number) * 1000

    return sessionData

  async set(sessionId: string, sessionData: T, ttlMs: number): Promise<void> {
    const data = JSON.stringify(sessionData)
    await redis.set(sessionId, data, 'PX', ttlMs)

  async destroy(sessionId: string): Promise<void> {
    await redis.del(sessionId)

Custom SessionIdResolver

You may want to get the Bearer access token from the Authorization header.

import type Cookies from 'cookies'
import type Koa from 'koa'
import { SessionIdResolver as CookieSessionIdResolver } from 'koa-imsession'

export class SessionIdResolver extends CookieSessionIdResolver {
  constructor({ name, cookie }: { name: string; cookie?: Cookies.SetOption }) {
    super({ name, cookie })

  // Overrides `get` method to get the access token from header first.
  get(ctx: Koa.Context): string | undefined {
    return getAccessTokenFromHeader(ctx) ?? super.get(ctx)

 * Gets access token from header.
function getAccessTokenFromHeader(ctx: Koa.Context): string | undefined {
  const authorization = ctx.get('Authorization')
  if (!authorization) return

  // Syntax: Bearer 1*SP b64token
  const [scheme, accessToken] = authorization.split(' ', 2)
  if (scheme.toLowerCase() === 'bearer')
    return accessToken


Pretty simple and performance koa session middleware using immutability







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