- Open AI
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- Andrew Trask的博客-神经网络及其解释和实现
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- Colah的博客 Olah旨在以简单的方式解释神经网络的复杂功能
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- 书籍源码《Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python》
- 书籍《Machine-Learning 《Machine Learning in Action》-中文版 代码
- 书籍《Deep Learning《 Deep Learning With Python - 中文版》.pdf 代码
- 书籍《Deep-Learning 《 Applied Deep Learning with Python》.pdf 》代码
- 书籍 《Pattern recognition and machine learing_马春鹏翻译版.pdf 》MatLab代码 ; python版
- DeepLearning-500-questions
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- 机器学习资源 Machine learning Resources
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- Awesome-pytorch-list
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- awesome-deeplearning-resources
- TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources
- Awesome Object Detection based on handong1587 github
- awesome-deep-learning A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
- TF Girls 修炼指南
- 炼数成金Tensorflow公开课
- Dan Does Data: Tensor Flow
- 谷歌Tensorflow官网上的视频教程
- Tensorflow与深度学习(人工智能)-初学篇 (Martin Görner)
- 斯坦福大学Tensorflow系列的课程 ;课程主页 ;课程实战代码
- Julia Ferraioli, Amy Unruh, Eli Bixby - Diving into Machine Learning through TensorFlow - PyCon 2016
- Tensorflow代码练习
- TensorFlow官方中文教程
- 从Tensorflow基础知识到有趣的项目应用
- 构建您的第一款TensorFlow Android应用程序
- 使用Jupyter Notebook运行的TensorFlow教程
- Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow
- tensorflow实战练习,包括强化学习、推荐系统、nlp等
- TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners with Latest APIs
- 《动手学 深度学习》
- Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation Companion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning"
- 免费的编程中文书籍索引
- ILearnDeepLearning.py
- All Algorithms implemented in Python
- 【国赛】【美赛】数学建模相关算法 MATLAB实现
- Text to image synthesis using thought vectors
- Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis
- Code for paper "Plug and Play Generative Networks"
- TensorFlow Implementation of "Show, Attend and Tell"
- Estimate 3D face pose by a Convolutional Neural Network
- practicalAI : A practical approach to learning machine learning.
- Convolutional Neural Network for Text Classification in Tensorflow
- A recurrent neural network for generating little stories about images
- Generative Handwriting using LSTM Mixture Density Network with TensorFlow
- Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
- Machine learning resources,including algorithm, paper, dataset, example and so on.
- Simple embedding based text classifier inspired by fastText, implemented in tensorflow
- A PyTorch implementation of the architecture of Mask RCNN, serves as an introduction to working with PyTorch
- Translate darknet to tensorflow. Load trained weights, retrain/fine-tune using tensorflow, export constant graph def to mobile devices