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wmeizhi edited this page Dec 20, 2016 · 1 revision

A NoIR Raspberry Pi Camera module is used in our project to detect the road ahead the vehicle, and the wireless networking on Raspberry Pi is used to steam live video across a network.

Setting up and Testing the Camera

  • Install the camera module onto the Raspberry Pi.
  • Enable the camera using sudo raspi-config from the terminal.
  • Take a picture and save as image.jpg using raspistill -o image.jpg from the terminal.
  • Take a picture after 5 seconds and save as image.jpg raspistill -o image.jpg -t 5000 .
  • Record a 10 seconds video and save it as testvideo raspivid -o testvideo.h264 -t 10000.
  • Play the recorded video omxplayer testvideo.h264
  • Some useful commands Camera Command Lists

Streaming Video

We used the code from an open source project NoIR V2 - Video Streaming Baby Monitor to stream video to a web server.


The baby monitor project enables the motion detection function, which stops the camera taking pictures or recording videos from the terminal. Therefore, be sure to disable the motion detection function if you want to test the camera on the Raspberry Pi terminal.

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