Command line tool for depositing data into Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive.
Please follow these steps:
Create a JSON file according to the structure provided in the example.
Download and install ascp tool.
Set the environmental variable for Aspera password to the one that EMPIAR team has provided you with. Please note that this is not the API token from 1) and is a separate password from the one that you create when registering EMPIAR user.
On Linux and Mac OS X execute
export ASPERA_SCP_PASS=<empiar_aspera_password>
On Windows execute
set ASPERA_SCP_PASS=<empiar_aspera_password>
Run the script as:
EMPIAR API token. Contact EMPIAR team to obtain it.
The location of the JSON with EMPIAR deposition information.
The location of the ascp executable. By default it is installed in ~/.aspera/connect/bin directory on Linux machines, in ~/Applications/ directory on Macs and in C:Users<username>AppDataLocalProgramsAsperaAspera Connectbin on Windows.
The location of the data that you would like to upload to EMPIAR. It should contain directories that correspond to the image set directories specified in the JSON file.
Show help message and exit
Thumbnail image that will represent your deposition on EMPIAR pages. Minimum size is 400 x 400, preferred format is png. If none is provided, then the image from the related EMDB entry will be used.
Resume Aspera upload or re-deposit an entry. The entry has to be successfully created as specifying EMPIAR entry ID and entry directory is required. All entry metadata will be replaced with the one provided in the JSON file. Aspera transfer will continue from where it stopped.
Activate this flag to skip the verification of SSL certificate.
Show program's version number and exit
empiar-depositor 0123456789 ~/Documents/empiar_deposition_1.json ~/Applications/Aspera\\ Resources/ascp ~/Downloads/micrographs
empiar-depositor -r 10 ABC123 -e ~/Downloads/dep_thumb.png 0123456789 ~/Documents/empiar_deposition_1.json ~/\ Applications/Aspera\ ~/Downloads/micrographs