=== Alter "WebServiceURL" defaults The server URL which the app synchronize with is specified as a user defaults by key "WebServiceURL". The default value for the key is "http://textlists.yakitara.com/" (in AppDefaults.plist). On development or debug, you should alter the value for the key by adding a "Arguments Passed On Launch" in Xcode scheme editing like this: -WebServiceURL http://localhost:3000/
=== TextListsTest cannot run on iOS version prior to 4.3 Because imp_implementationWithBlock() is only available iOS 4.3 or lator
- Be sure that supported version of iOS is suitable (the lower the better)
- Be sure that the status of a version of the app is "Wating For Upload" in iTunes Connect
- Choose "TextLists | iOS Device" scheme from Xcode 4 toolbar
- Open Scheme Editing Dialog -> Archive
- Option + click left most button on Xcode 4 (pressing Option key to reveal "Archive" button)
- Select "Archive"
- Build Configuration: "AppStore"
- Be sure that "Reveal Archive in Organizer" is checked.
- Click "Archive"
- Submit the archive from Organizer
- Choose the right signing identity (maybe "items app store")
= 0.4 (2011-XX-XX)
- Fix synchronization problem when a iOS device is restored to old state by means of iTunes backup.
= 0.3 (2011-04-29)
- App icons refreshed (retina icon has been added!)
- Synchronizing speed improved
- Reveal version number in Settings
= 0.2 (2010-08-05)
- Fix inconsistency about list order when a new list is added.
- Moving a item to another list makes the item as top of the list (before this change, the position of a moved item taking over from the former list).
= 0.1
- The first release