This repository contains command-line specs for Shell Completion for VS Code. This repository also contains tab completion scripts for bash/zsh/fish shells.
Shell completion scripts for bioinformatics tools are located in the separate repositories:
- In VS Code, type
on macOS) and run following commands:Shell Completion: Load Common CLI Data
to load commands in general.txtShell Completion: Load Bioinformatics CLI Data
to load commands in bio.txt
They would be useful especially for bioinformaticians.
Copy files (general) to ~/.bash_completion.d/
, and add the following to ~/.bashrc
for bcfile in ~/.bash_completion.d/* ; do
. "$bcfile"
Save files (bio, general) to ~/.zfunc
, then add the following line to ~/.zshrc
fpath=( ~/.zfunc "${fpath[@]}" )
Save files (bio, general) to ~/.config/fish/completions/
I use h2o
(closed source code) to extract CLI specs, and then apply yq to convert from JSON to YAML.
Here is how I extracted the CLI info from medaka, for example.
# Just see how it works
$ h2o --command medaka
# ...OK. H2o seems to fail parsing some.
# So save the help document as text file for manual editing...
$ medaka --help > medaka.txt
# Edit medaka.txt s.t. command options, subcommands, and descriptions are placed nicely.
# ...
# ...
# After finishing the edit, extract the data as YAML file.
$ h2o --file medaka.txt --format json | yq eval -P > bio/yaml/medaka.yaml
# Add TLDR to the YAML, then convert it to JSON and bash/zsh/fish scripts
# group=bio sets the environment variable and run make
# The makefile calls multiple scripts including
# - Add TLDR to YAML
# - Convert YAML to JSON
# - Create bash/zsh/fish scripts
# - Take the entire JSON as an array, create a gzipped JSON file
$ group=bio make
Here is a sample file.
name: tar
description: an archiving utility
- names:
- -x
- --extract
- --get
argument: ""
description: extract files from an archive
- names:
- -v
- --verbose
argument: ""
description: verbosely list files processed
version: tar (GNU tar) 1.34
As you can see, an entry has following key-values:
- name (string)
- description (string)
- options (list)
- names (list of strings)
- argument (string)
- description (string)
- [optional] positionalArguments
- name (string)
- description (string)
- [optional] subcommands:
- (Here comes a list of the entire structure. Nested.)
- [optional] inheritedOptions (same type as options)
- [optional] usage (string)
- [optional] version (string)
- [optional] tldr (string)