Guide how to make distributed HA storage based on GlusterFS
yc config profile activate <your profile>
make init
# choose default values for variables
make apply
# use output to access publically available first client
ssh storage@<IP_addr_of_client>
# client
sudo -i
dnf install epel-release -y
dnf install clustershell -y
echo 'ssh_options: -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no' >> /etc/clustershell/clush.conf
cat > /etc/clustershell/groups.conf <<'EOF'
default: cluster
confdir: /etc/clustershell/groups.conf.d $CFGDIR/groups.conf.d
autodir: /etc/clustershell/groups.d $CFGDIR/groups.d
cat > /etc/clustershell/groups.d/cluster.yaml <<EOF
all: '@clients,@gluster'
clients: 'client[01-03]'
gluster: 'gluster[01-03]'
clush -w @all hostname # check and auto add fingerprints
clush -w @all dnf install centos-release-gluster -y
clush -w @all dnf --enablerepo=powertools install glusterfs-server -y
clush -w @gluster mkfs.xfs -f -i size=512 /dev/vdb
clush -w @gluster mkdir -p /bricks/brick1
clush -w @gluster "echo '/dev/vdb /bricks/brick1 xfs defaults 1 2' >> /etc/fstab"
clush -w @gluster "mount -a && mount"
clush -w @gluster systemctl enable glusterd
clush -w @gluster systemctl restart glusterd
clush -w gluster01 gluster peer probe gluster02
clush -w gluster01 gluster peer probe gluster03
clush -w @gluster mkdir -p /bricks/brick1/vol0
# High-Available Gluster Cluster with erasure coding 2 + 1
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume create regional-volume disperse 3 redundancy 1 gluster01:/bricks/brick1/vol0 gluster02:/bricks/brick1/vol0 gluster03:/bricks/brick1/vol0 # HA
# Additional performance tuning
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume client.event-threads 8
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume server.event-threads 8
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume cluster.shd-max-threads 8
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume 16
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume performance.client-io-threads on
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume performance.quick-read off
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume performance.parallel-readdir on
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume 32
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume performance.cache-size 1GB
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume set regional-volume server.allow-insecure on
# Start volume
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume start regional-volume
# Check volumes status
clush -w gluster01 gluster volume status
# Mount volume to clients
clush -w @clients mount -t glusterfs gluster01:/regional-volume /mnt/
# Create random file on first client
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' > /mnt/urandom.file
# Check hashsum on all clients
clush -w @clients sha256sum /mnt/urandom.file
# client01: 83a76155d74a67c59934fb984d025e6b787c8748345ef5317f096c8ba8ea7530 /mnt/urandom.file
# client02: 83a76155d74a67c59934fb984d025e6b787c8748345ef5317f096c8ba8ea7530 /mnt/urandom.file
# client03: 83a76155d74a67c59934fb984d025e6b787c8748345ef5317f096c8ba8ea7530 /mnt/urandom.file
- Poweroff storage node in zone (if there is one node per zone)
- Check file availability
sha256sum /mnt/urandom.file
# ca2a89d5925b50552ddf4a4da2773091e8f9ecc879d148577a59d0c25bbec781 /mnt/urandom.file
gluster volume status
# Status of volume: regional-volume
# Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Brick gluster01:/bricks/brick1/vol0 50545 0 Y 5629
# Brick gluster02:/bricks/brick1/vol0 52270 0 Y 5498
# Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 8076
# Self-heal Daemon on
# nternal N/A N/A Y 5645
# Self-heal Daemon on gluster02 N/A N/A Y 5514
# Task Status of Volume regional-volume
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# There are no active volume tasks