- Use static regions for multi-thread computing
- Extended phase set
- Fixed HP/PS tags in output phased bam
- Fixed a few edge cases
# Download pre-built executables and test data (recommended)
# Linux-x64
wget https://github.com/yangao07/longcallD/releases/download/v0.0.4/longcallD-v0.0.4_x64-linux.tar.gz
tar -zxvf longcallD-v0.0.4_x64-linux.tar.gz && cd longcallD-v0.0.4_x64-linux
# MacOS-arm64
wget https://github.com/yangao07/longcallD/releases/download/v0.0.4/longcallD-v0.0.4_arm64-macos.tar.gz
tar -zxvf longcallD-v0.0.4_arm64-macos.tar.gz && cd longcallD-v0.0.4_arm64-macos
# PacBio HiFi reads
./longcallD call ./test_data/chr11_2M.fa ./test_data/HG002_chr11_hifi_test.bam --hifi > HG002_hifi_test.vcf
# Oxford Nanopore reads
./longcallD call ./test_data/chr11_2M.fa ./test_data/HG002_chr11_ont_test.bam --ont > HG002_ont_test.vcf
- Updates (pre-release v0.0.4)
- Getting Started
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Usage
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
LongcallD is a local-haplotagging-based variant caller designed for detecting small variants and structural variants (SVs) using long-read sequencing data. It supports both PacBio HiFi and Oxford Nanopore reads.
LongcallD phases long reads into haplotypes using SNPs and small indels before calling SVs. It outputs phased variant calls in VCF format, including SNPs, small indels, and large SVs (currently only supporting insertions and deletions).
wget https://github.com/yangao07/longcallD/releases/download/v0.0.4/longcallD-v0.0.4_x64-linux.tar.gz
tar -zxvf longcallD-v0.0.4_x64-linux.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/yangao07/longcallD/releases/download/v0.0.4/longcallD-v0.0.4_arm64-macos.tar.gz
tar -zxvf longcallD-v0.0.4_arm64-macos.tar.gz
There is no pre-built executable for Linux-arm64 or macOS-x64, please try conda or build from source.
For Linux and macOS
conda install -c bioconda longcalld
To compile longcallD from source, ensure you have GCC/clang(9.0+) and zlib/libbz2/liblzma/libcurl (for htslib) installed. It is recommended to use the latest release.
wget https://github.com/yangao07/longcallD/releases/download/v0.0.4/longcallD-v0.0.4.tar.gz
tar -zxvf longcallD-v0.0.4.tar.gz
cd longcallD-v0.0.4; make
LongcallD requires a reference genome (FASTA) and a long-read BAM/CRAM file as inputs. It outputs phased variant calls in VCF format.
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam > hifi.vcf # default for PacBio HiFi reads (--hifi)
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa ont.bam --ont > ont.vcf # for ONT reads
LongcallD supports region-based variant calling, similar to samtools view
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam chr11:10,229,956-10,256,221 > hifi_reg.vcf
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam chr11:10,229,956-10,256,221 chr12:10,576,356-10,583,438 > hifi_regs.vcf
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam --region-file reg.bed > hifi_regs.vcf
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam --autosome > hifi_autosome.vcf
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa hifi.bam --hifi -b hifi_phased.bam > hifi.vcf # output phased HiFi reads (BAM tag: HP & PS)
longcallD call -t16 ref.fa ont.bam --ont -b ont_phased.bam > ont.vcf # output phased ONT reads (BAM tag: HP & PS)
longcallD call -t16 $ref $bam chr11:10,229,956-10,256,221 chr12:10,576,356-10,583,438 > hifi_regs.vcf
LongcallD is dependent on the following libraries, we are grateful to all the developers/maintainers:
- htslib: read/write BAM/CRAM/VCF
- abPOA: consensus calling
- WFA: pairwise alignment
- cgranges: interval operations
- sdust: identify low-complexity regions
For any questions or support, please contact:
Yan Gao [email protected]
Heng Li [email protected]