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Easy setup ffmpeg encoder to AWS using vagrant


  • Vagrant >=2.0
  • vagrant-aws
    • install command: vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
  • dotenv
    • install command: vagrant plugin install dotenv
  • vagrant-rsync-back
    • install command: vagrant plugin install vagrant-rsync-back
  • rsync

Getting started

Please make .env file with reference to .env.example

echo EOF > .env
# EC2 Auth Config

# VM Config(no need to be changed)
EC2_REGION="us-west-2" # US West Oregon
EC2_AMI="ami-01ed306a12b7d1c96" # CentOS 7

Note: If you don't change Vagrantfile about Security Group, it is connected default VPC and default Security Group. So if not accept ssh connection in your default Security Group, it does not work properly.


Quick start

If you want to encode easily, please run this command:


This will start the instance and encode input/*.mp4 to output/*.mp4 using ffmpeg(libx264), then destroy the instance.

Note: if you want change encode config, please edit

Start the instance

You can start instance at AWS(us-west-2) with just one line of command:

vagrant up

Connect to inscance

You can connect instance using ssh:

vagrant ssh

Sync folder

If you want sync files, please run those commands.

Host:./sync_folder/* -> AWS:/sync_folder :

vagrant rsync

AWS:/sync_folder/* -> Host:./sync_folder :

vagrant rsync-back

WARN: It is the sync. So it might erase your data. (Use at your own risk.)


case1: AV1 Encode

When this command run, you can encode using av1 encoder(libaom). ( sync_folder/test_input.mp4 -> sync_folder/test_output.mp4 )

vagrant rsync \
&& vagrant ssh -- -t \
'ffmpeg \\
  -i /sync_folder/test_input.mp4 \\
  -c:v libaom-av1 \\
  -strict experimental \\
  -row-mt 1 \\
  -cpu-used 1 \\
  -crf 30 \\
  -b:v 2000k \\
  -c:a libopus \\
  -ac 2 \\
  -ar 48000 \\
  -b:a 128k \\
  /sync_folder/test_output.mp4' \
&& vagrant rsync-back

case2: x264 Encode

When this command run, you can encode using x264 encoder(libx264). ( sync_folder/test_input.mp4 -> sync_folder/test_output.mp4 )

vagrant rsync \
&& vagrant ssh -- -t \
'ffmpeg -i "/sync_folder/test_input.mp4" \\
  -crf 30 \\
  -c:v libx264 \\
  -b:v 2000k \\
  -profile:v main \\
  -preset:v veryfast \\
  -c:a libmp3lame \\
  -b:a 128k \\
  -ac 2 \\
  -ar 48000 \\
  "/sync_folder/test_output.mp4"' \
&& vagrant rsync-back

case3: VP9 Encode

When this command run, you can encode using VP9 encoder(libvpx). ( sync_folder/test_input.mp4 -> sync_folder/test_output.mp4 )

vagrant rsync \
&& vagrant ssh -- -t \
'ffmpeg -i "/sync_folder/test_input.mp4" \\
  -crf 30 \\
  -strict -2 \\
  -c:v libvpx-vp9 \\
  -b:v 2000k \\
  -c:a libopus \\
  -b:a 128k \\
  -ac 2 \\
  -ar 48000 \\
  "/sync_folder/test_output.mp4"' \
&& vagrant rsync-back

Destroy the instance

vagrant destroy

Note: When run this command, it does not delete the storage(EBS). If you want delete the storage(EBS), please delete that at AWS Console yourself.

Enable nofree mode

Please change FREE_FLAG in Vagrantfile (Ln: 30)

          shell.inline = <<-SHELL
            export FREE_FLAG=FALSE

            yum -y install \

WARN: Please set after understanding the license about ffmpeg. After vagrant up, you can check ffmpeg configured result(license) by /sync_folder/ffmpeg_cofigure.txt@AWS .


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