This repo is no longer being maintained. Please use build "SuperCell".
jlGulp starter is my former front-end framework using Gulp, Node, Sass, Susy, Breakpoint, SourceMaps, Browser-Sync, Autoprefixer and Uglify / Concat. This is a complete rewrite from version 0.1.
Prior Ruby and Compass dependency have been removed and no longer required the use of any Ruby.
After cloning the project to your computer run the following command in your terminal to install all required node and bower packages.
1. sudo npm install && bower install
Create a deployment build with the following commands:
gulp build
To fire up a server and test the final build:
gulp build:serve
Javascript concatenation is done in the config object in the guilpfile. This controls the order as well as files to be be concatenated. I went with a simple system in anticipation of ES6 built-in modules. The config object also controls which files are EXCLUDED from the final build.
Controls the location where bower packages will be installed.