Integrates MailCatcher in your PHP application. MailCatcher is a simple SMTP server with an HTTP API, and this library aims to integrate it to make it easy to use it with PHP.
This library provides a Behat extension to help you test mails in your application.
To use it, you first need to be sure MailCatcher is properly installed and running.
First, configure in your behat.yml
url: http://localhost:1080
purge_before_scenario: true
Then, add the MailCatcherContext context in your FeatureContext file:
use Alex\MailCatcher\Behat\MailCatcherContext;
use Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext;
class FeatureContext extends BehatContext
public function __construct(array $parameters)
$this->useContext('mailcatcher', new MailCatcherContext());
This extension provides you mail context in your tests. To use assertions, you must first open a mail using criterias.
Once it's opened, you can make assertions on it and click in it.
Server manipulation
Deletes all messages on the server
When I purge mails
Mail opening
When I open mail from "[email protected]"
When I open mail containing "a message"
When I open mail to "[email protected]"
When I open mail with subject "Welcome, mister Bond!"
Verify number of messages sent to the server:
Then 1 mail should be sent
Then 13 mails should be sent
Verify text presence in message:
Then I should see "something" in mail
Then I should see "something else" in mail
Browse easily your API with the integrated SDK:
$client = new Alex\MailCatcher\Client('http://localhost:1080');
// Returns all messages
$messages = $client->search();
// Count messages
// Filter messages
$messages = $client->search(array(
'from' => '[email protected]',
'to' => '[email protected]',
'subject' => 'Bla',
'contains' => 'Hello',
'attachments' => true,
'format' => 'html',
), $limit = 3);
// Search one message
$message = $client->searchOne(array('subject' => 'Welcome'));
Message API
// Message API, get the content of a message
$subject = $message->getSubject();
$plainTextBody = $message->getPart('text/plain')->getContent();
$htmlBody = $message->getPart('text/html')->getContent();
// Message API, return a Person object or an array of Person object
$person = $message->getFrom();
$persons = $message->getRecipients();
// Person API
$person = $message->getFrom();
$name = $person->getName(); // null means not provided
$mail = $person->getMail();
// Attachments
// Delete
Attachment API
// Attachment API